FujiFilm Color Rendering Settings (Type and Rendering)

I recently bought a FujiFilm GFX100S II MF camera and in processing the raw images I have observed that editing apps vary noticeably in how the raws are rendered - and in fact, DxO PL7 can vary a lot based on the Color Rendering settings.

I have “Automatically use camera rendering if supported” turned on in Settings. I am using the DxO Wide Gamut. Camera rendering is supported for FujiFilm cameras. There are four variations I can use: (1) Generic/Neutral Color; (2) Generic/DxO camera profile (9050); (3) Generic/From Camera (PROVIA); and (4) Camera body/FujiFilm GFX. I have some images shot at Red Rock Canyon (lots of red sandstone, Blue Sky, mountains, etc.). Generic/Neutral and Generic/From Camera Provia) both look over saturated (red rocks and blue sky). Generic/DxO Camera Profile (9050) and Camera Body/FujiFilm GFX look much better with more accurate color - and basically look the same.
Are the Generic/DxO camera Profile (9050) and Camera body/FujiFilm GFX settings actually the same? That is what they look like. If they are different, what are the differences?
The other odd thing here is that the Generic/Neutral Color doesn’t look “neutral” at all- it over saturates the reds and blues. Up until I got the new GFX camera that generic/neutral setting is what I have used (for my OM-1 II and Sony A7RV cameras) and that has worked well. But it looks like it isn’t a good fit for the new GFX100S II.
Advice/explanations anyone?

Don’t know about fuji.
I’m using nikon. But since wide gamut appears, photolab is finally able to produce “relatively” neutral outputs by using “neutral” and forgetting the outputs specific to my camera photolab provides.
On the other hand, if the idea is to reproduce the renderings that Nikon offers with its picture controls and white balance management, then it’s not really possible. But I think that only Nikon knows how to produce Nikon colors.
Maybe fuji is easier to hack ? or not. Seems to be a difficult question.

Now that wide gamut exists, what still doesn’t seem to comply is white balance management, which often leads to having to modify either the tone curves in r, v or b, or use the TSL tool or a mix of the 2 (but never get the right result. Only good enough).

That’s my experience, and maybe others experience it differently.

PS : I use PL6 only. I skipped PL7 because giving function requirements for PL and finding them in FP in order to force the sale of this one disgusted me a little.
But I don’t think this color behavior is different in PL7.

I use the HEIC files produced by the camera to indicate what FujiFilm thinks is the “correct” color rendition. The Generic/Camera Profile and the Camera Body/GFX settings are closest to that. These settings look identical. I guess I have to send this question into DxO Support and see what they say.


Yes - and to test it, apply the preset “Optical corrections only”, which disables things like Smart lighting and Color rendering.

  • Then set the Color rendering to Neutral, which will turn the Color rendering back on… and display an identical color reproduction.

But why would you expect the color reproduction of sensors like OM-1 II, Sony A7RV and Fuji GFX100SII to be identical (or close to it)?

I don’t - but I assume using the “Neutral” color is an attempt to make them look identical. I am happy with the different camera colors - both OM-1 and Sony have very nice jpeg/heic colors. But I know some professional photographers who shoot with different cameras want to make them all look the same for their customers.
