Fuji Xt5 and DXO PL7 Workflow

I am trying to refine my workflow to get the best from my camera with the least possible time processing.

What am I missing, doing in the wrong order etc. thoughts appreciated?

Workflow as it stands:

Review, cull and rename in Fast Raw Viewer


DXO wide gamut

Preset Fuji X T5 or possibly Optical Only

Review crop

Smart lighting on

Light Exposure highlight, shadow, white balance etc. Contrast may be too much with XT 5 preset.

Tone curve

Clear view adjust

Microcontrast auto?

Vignetting auto

Zoom in for focus, dust, small birds etc.

Colour/BW Rendering XT 5 Type Camera Body


Control points for local adjustments

Star rating

Leave and come back


Missing: Don’t have Microcontrast on ‘Auto’. At that level it can often be a bit aggressive / excessive. If you have FilmPack then use the Fine Contrast sliders.

Wrong order: As far as I know, the order in which you do things in Photolab is irrelevant, PL will apply your edits in its own order when you click Export.


Geometric adjustments such as cropping, horizon, or perspective must be made before using repair or local adjustments. Otherwise, do as you wish.


Yes, sorry, I forgot that important point.


@stuck @Wolfgang Many thanks both, really useful.