Fuji X Trans?

Converting to PL 8, however many reviews state that the latest version is still not compatible with Fuji’s X Trans sensor. However Pl recolonizes my GFX 100 and lenses, allows me to choose Deep Prime XD and I certainly see a difference, with awesome results, am I missing something?

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What you are missing is that the latest version of DeepPRIME, called DeepPRIME XD2s does not currently support X Trans sensors. It automatically defaults to the earlier version, DeepPRIME XD. This is an issue in both PureRAW 4 which was released at the beginning of March and PhotoLab 8. which was released over a month ago. DeepPRIME XD2s is very noticeably superior to DeepPRIME XD.

Many Fuji shooters are extremely upset that this promised support is taking so long for X Trans sensors. PureRAW 4 users are especially upset because it is the single most important tool in the version 4 upgrade and it has been unavailable to them for almost eight months. At this rate PureRAW 5 will be out before these users get the most important feature they upgraded for in the first place.


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Thanks for the explanation Mark. Somewhat deceiving that it allows one with a Fuji to use XD2, with no message of defaulting to XD. In addition a friend of mine just upgraded to PureRAW 4 as a Fuji user, with no indication that it was not worth the upgrade. Again thanks for the clarification, hopefully PL will get with it regarding Fuji.

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They mention it in the PhotoLab 8 help feature for DeepPRIME.

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Are you sure that your GFX 100 has an Xtrans sensor ?
I think that Xtrans is for some Fuji X ( APS sensor)

I believe all the ‘medium’ format Fujifilm cameras have Bayer sensors, and are therefore compatible with DeepPrime XD2s.

You are correct, its a Bayer sensor. I thought it was based off the X-Trans, totally different after confirming. Guessing not an issue with the Deep Prime XD2?

@OldHickory30 At the moment Bayer sensors good, but X-Trans support coming soon😄

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February 2025, and still no support for X-trans files, I upgraded from RAW 3 to 4 without realising :grimacing: RAW 5 will be out before they sort this out!! :slightly_frowning_face:

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I was going to buy Pure Raw, but now I won’t make that mistake!