Converting to PL 8, however many reviews state that the latest version is still not compatible with Fuji’s X Trans sensor. However Pl recolonizes my GFX 100 and lenses, allows me to choose Deep Prime XD and I certainly see a difference, with awesome results, am I missing something?
What you are missing is that the latest version of DeepPRIME, called DeepPRIME XD2s does not currently support X Trans sensors. It automatically defaults to the earlier version, DeepPRIME XD. This is an issue in both PureRAW 4 which was released at the beginning of March and PhotoLab 8. which was released over a month ago. DeepPRIME XD2s is very noticeably superior to DeepPRIME XD.
Many Fuji shooters are extremely upset that this promised support is taking so long for X Trans sensors. PureRAW 4 users are especially upset because it is the single most important tool in the version 4 upgrade and it has been unavailable to them for almost eight months. At this rate PureRAW 5 will be out before these users get the most important feature they upgraded for in the first place.
Thanks for the explanation Mark. Somewhat deceiving that it allows one with a Fuji to use XD2, with no message of defaulting to XD. In addition a friend of mine just upgraded to PureRAW 4 as a Fuji user, with no indication that it was not worth the upgrade. Again thanks for the clarification, hopefully PL will get with it regarding Fuji.
Are you sure that your GFX 100 has an Xtrans sensor ?
I think that Xtrans is for some Fuji X ( APS sensor)
I believe all the ‘medium’ format Fujifilm cameras have Bayer sensors, and are therefore compatible with DeepPrime XD2s.
You are correct, its a Bayer sensor. I thought it was based off the X-Trans, totally different after confirming. Guessing not an issue with the Deep Prime XD2?
@OldHickory30 At the moment Bayer sensors good, but X-Trans support coming soon😄
February 2025, and still no support for X-trans files, I upgraded from RAW 3 to 4 without realising RAW 5 will be out before they sort this out!!
I was going to buy Pure Raw, but now I won’t make that mistake!