FStoppers Tutorial?

I am a new user to DXO PL7, and have seen some of the YouTube videos, but that ends up being very fragmented information. I would like to find something more comprehensive.

Has anyone used the FStoppers tutorial and if so would you say it is worth the cost?

Does anyone know of any other tutorials of materials that they could recommend?

Thank you, Kurt

I found Robin Whalley’s youtube tutos well made and useful.


@Pieloe what’s the link to your usermanual?
I forgot.

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I am aware of the user manual, I generally learn better by seeing/doing than reading a technical manual. Doesn’t mean I don’t utilize the manual, but prefer a kind of progressively laid out tutorial.

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Thank you, I will check this out!

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This one is written by a longtime dxopl user not dxo itself.
It could help you to understand some tools and processes.

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Hi @Kurtru - if you have some spare $, Fstoppers have a sale on at the moment - and I purchased the DXO Photolab, Filmpack and Viewpoint tutorials for $100 USD. That was a discount of 50% as I purchased all three. It will get you going pretty quickly, and the instructor (Mark Wallace) is an excellent presenter. Sure, it is $100, but it will give you more than you need to feel confident with using DxO Software.

As mentioned below, you cannot go wrong with visiting Robin Whalley’s YouTube channel - another great presenter.

Good Luck…

Robin Whalley https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYMWL3WXU9QMeOUhD3lOpEw

see …

For those who don’t mind to look back at former versions and excellent explanations …
please also check here

Thanks @Wolfgang - have edited my post - reminder to self - don’t try to walk dogs and type at the same time!

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