From Large Format to Digital

Depth of field - Wikipedia.
I can’t copy the formula. But you see that the CoC is an essential part of it.

Before you ask here are the formulas for the hyperfocal distance. As you see the CoC is also an essential part of it.

Sensor size and CoC are related to each other. Also for your app, as you could see on the scale of your app.


But you said I would also need to know the print size and viewing distance. What if those are not available at the time of shooting?

From PhotoPills.

Most depth of field calculators you find online give DoF values based on an accepted Circle of Confusion (CoC). This CoC results from the combination of the selected camera sensor and the following viewing hypothesis:

Print size of 8''×10'' (20cm×25cm).
Viewing distance of 10" (25cm).
Manufacturers standard visual acuity (the viewer can perceive details which size is roughly 0.01”).

This is your app too. But just don’t forget I haven’t your app.


How many times do I need to repeat my question? What happens if I don’t know the print size or the viewing distance?

Then you can’t use your app. Your app is based on what I showed above.
But the standard CoC is valuable for larger prints too since larger prints also means larger viewing distance. See PhotoPills Advanced Dof Calculator.


Hahahahaha. Excuse me while I go destroy all the perfect prints I have made.

Oh no, wait. It’s you that’s talking through your hat and it’s my prints that folks are buying.

I hoped you were going the right way.
If you use a small aperture you’ll be on the save side. But your app is of no use.


But a small aperture will give more diffraction, which is going to make a larger print appear soft and mushy.

To you maybe, but to those of us who know what we are doing, it is a treasure.

I tell you what. You do things your way and let the rest of the world do things the way they want to. This thread is already way too long and off topic. Folks have all the arguments on both sides. Let them make up their own minds.

You already forgot the lessons you had in the past hour!!


Can anyone else hear the sound of annoying buzzing? This time I’m not going to be tempted to reply to George, definitely not in this thread anyway

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Can we please pause this topic for several days?

How many days would you like ?

Shit. I hoped you were going the right way.
If you use a small aperture you’ll be on the save side. But your app is of no use.


Just forget the last post. It was posted 1 month ago and was waiting for approval for the first word. Wow, what a wonderful forum!
