I get the implied humor.
By posting, do you really wish to discuss alternate setups? If so, what image capture setting do you desire, and why did you choose this equipment to meet that goal?
Actually, the set-up makes sense to me. Seems like a good way to pre-frame the shot and be prepared for the moment of best light while letting the photographer pace or shelter while waiting.
When doing a careful landscape my desire would to get a stable, well framed shot at the lowest shutter speed, iso, and ideal aperture for desired DOF. Haven’t done much with my newer camera, but used to desire f10 for high DOF, base iso, and 1/100sec or better.
So, a solid tripod with leveling system and remote shutter release would be essential. Depending on lighting and glare, filters might be appropriate, as would be the Hoodman. The battery grip just stays on the camera.
The 24-300mm lens seems unusual for a landscape, but it might be the “lens you have” and results are good enough.
The choice of filters and the bellows hood seems more nostalgia for the LF days. Wouldn’t good thread-on filters and a standard hood be easier, more robust, and transportable? I tend to hike to a location, so portability is a factor.
Additionally, the automobile is essential too. A photographer should be patient, prepared early, and wait for the best light. In instances where the weather was cold or breezy a wireless remote screen and trigger might be nice. The photographer could stay sheltered in the automobile or portable tent/shelter. One could tether to a cell phone for example.
What’s missing? I don’t see your coffee or other essential drink of choice.
Perhaps that’s tea and biscuits in your part of the world