Forum for PureRAW?

As there are separate forums for each of the DxO products and the Nik Collection, will there be one for PureRAW? I have questions already. :slight_smile:


Good idea. If you open it as a voteable topic I’ll vote for it.

Is there a way of making it votable in this forum? The forum title seems very appropriate on its own. Perhaps @sgospodarenko can advise, or flag this up to the right people.

I don’t know. Best bet is to wait a couple of hours for Svetlana to fix it.

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Good morning guys,

There is no need to make this post votable. You are absolutely right and a separate section should be created. @DxOStaffPO please, create it.

Thank you
Svetlana G.


Done - DxO PureRAW - DxO Forums

Svetlana G.

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