Forum change not working right

Apologies for the issue you’ve encountered, it is likely due to a recent forum update.
I’ve fixed the code. Please let me know if it is displaying correctly now.

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Thank you @carlo
Now it works as it should!


The panels are wider now…but overall, they just take a lot of space, specially with the ads that have been added lately. If form follws function, I see a shift away from the forum towards looks and ads… Not my first priority here though.

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yes – works again

The thing I find odd is that the new banner image appears to be a view of an old SLR. Note the dial to set the shutter speed :confused: Or am I just not familiar with enough modern cameras and the image is fact is a shot of a current camera?

Old or new, have you seen the movement blur? :crazy_face:

And it looks a bit like a Fuji, which do have a dial on top.

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Thank you, yes, having looked at images of Fuji cameras, it probably is one of their X-Series.