Format Apple Pro RAW

Otto, we are in the same boat. I have a very similar set-up, I spend a lot of time in the mountains and I use an iphone. I am not DXO, I am just interpreting what I see/read and draw my conclusions. I guess the difference is that I do not care that much about my iphone files, those are usually just snapshots and they are perfectly fine for me ooc

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Just because my editor does not align with my view or my wishes on how it should perform its DAM tasks does not make view the only correct one.

Same with my dedicated DAM solution, only because its limited correction options does not entail my demands being what the manufacturer must value most.

I can always communicate a wish for a feature but never demand they commit to it.

We can choose DxO for what they do or we can support Adobe or any other for that in what they do. We have to make a choice and either accept the boundaries vs the deliverance.

It’s might be acceptable or not. But we own that decision ourselves.

Am I being too harsh or is it just that I’m too old and have lost the nagging edge? :slight_smile:

Yes, agree. Communicating a wish for a feature (and offering the logic behind the request) is exactly what we’re doing here though.

And you’re right, we do have to make a choice- which is why I’ll be upgrading capture one instead of Photolab this year. But I will continue to offer my feedback because if DXO makes these improvements, I’m ready to give them money for an upgrade.


Why it is still not support ?
Apple Proraw is using DNG support then it is quiet standard.
And it is not useful to use another software to manage our iPhone pro photos :frowning: