Fixed bugs in version 6 that seems to be solved and improvements you like in version 7

Metadata in Virtual Copies
I have now tested to create a Virtual Copy of a RAW and a JPEG containing metadata and Halleluja, it seems to work. The metadata is now copied even to the copies. This have been a really annoying thing in version 6, that earlier left us with totally blank metadata elements in the copies.

Color Wheel in Local Adjustments
Works even in Local Adjustments, which is a real big thing but why is there no color picker ???

GPS coordinates marker now possible to get on map
These coordinates can now be used to open a Google Map at the position the coordinates states. Since I have done quite a lot of work setting GPS Coordinates in Photo Mechanic Plus with their “Reverse Look Up”- feature last years, I don´t have to go to XnView anymore to watch the map markers any more. Of some reasons Photo Mechanic is not a very user friendly viewer compared to either XnView or Photolab 7.


Have you noticed any other important improvements?
So far these are a few goodies I stumbled over that I very much appreciate they have solved and added but otherwise I don´t feel this upgrade is all that spectacular.

Which new features and fixes made you most happy with in Photolab 7?

This has been discussed and I am hoping it will be added in a future update. In the meantime there is a workaround. Use the hue picker (eye dropper) in the global version of the HSL color wheel to select the area where you want to change the color locally. Once selected, it is a good idea to click on the eye dropper to turn it off, otherwise it will remain active. Do not make any changes using the global HSL color wheel. Instead, go to the color wheel in Local Adjustments and you will see the same color has been selected there as in the global color wheel. The two versions are linked. Its an extra step but works exactly the same way as if there was an eye dropper in the local version.

Also, be aware that masking of local adjustments has changed a bit and is not completely intuitive. Check back with questions if you have difficulties understanding it.



Thank you very much for that info Mark!
That will make my evening or night (if it´s true) as it is getting late :slight_smile:

… BUT now I have tried your trick but the local Color Wheel is not responsive at all in my application - it´s completely dead despite I turned of the picker in the global HSL interface and didn´t change anything there before switching to Local Adjustment.

It´s not working for me yet :frowning:

I’m on Windows. Perhaps it works differently in the Mac version if that is what you are using. Did you create a local adjustment mask and make the local adjustment active? LA sliders or controls won’t work until you do.


I am pretty sure that I have this feature already in PL5! (on windows)
I will check tonight to be sure and I don’t confuse it with another software.

Yes it’s present with the v5

Good observation, Mark … Not surprising to me that this would be confusing for users

It would be easier, and MUCH more obvious / intuitive for users, if the action of selecting the LA-tab were to auto-activate LA mode … rather than requiring one to manually select one of the LA-types.

Similarly, what’s the point of having the last used LA-gizmo still active on the main screen when one switches away from the LA-tab ?!


You can disable the active local adjustment icon by pressing the Esc or Enter key anywhere on the screen.


Yes, but … that’s not quite the point !


I just went through your testing procedure on my Mac and don’t get the same results.

As you can see, the white dot is selected and the cursor on the colour wheel is in the default position for the white dot.

I don’t quite get this new feature. Why is it possible to select different colors? I would think that the color underlying the control point is automatically selected and it would be this color that one can manipulate with the color wheel?

As far as I can tell, that is the idea for not needing the pipette.

But what is the function of those 9 color dots then, if there is no need to select a color?

If using, say, a Control Line (covering a section of the image, incorporating many different hues) - then selecting, say, the “Purple dot” - and then (perhaps) fine-tuning the parameters for this hue selection
image results on that range of colours being selected.

Now, we can use the “lolly-pop” control to change this colour-range to a completely different hue.

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Dxo trademark ?
Indeed WHY ? Choice or difficulty to make PL evolve ? … Are existing features like this one hard to duplicate ?

When ? Where ?

What do you mean ? What has changed (except that sliders are no more clutering the view and that we have numeric input field now) ?

Color to modify is not always in the center of the zone to modify.
There should be a pipette for every control point adjustment (as control line has) for this same reason.

That might be handy - but; note that the Color Picker (on the Global HSL tool) is just a starting point … one can also simply pick the approximate Color-Channels (ie. one of these: image) and then fine-tune the selection using the Colour-range “handles”.

I reckon a better question to ask is; Why is it not possible to use Ctrl-Click on the LA HSL tool (as we can with the Global HSL tool) - to receive instant feedback on the colours in the image that match with the prescribed Colour-range.

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Better than pipette for this tool.

For me the question is :
When a tool has several already existing options, why amputate it ? Why not just let user have CHOICE ?

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I’ve just repeated your steps on Win Pl7 and an confirm that it behaves exactly as Mark describes, with the LA HSL colour wheel retaining the colour selection made with the global HSL picker. Another one to add to what seems to be an ever growling list of Win / MAC differences. Whatever happened to the idea of reducing / eliminating these?

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I guess it doesn’t work on a Mac. That is unfortunate. I find it comes in handy quite often.


A few things have changed a bit. If/when you run into them you may find them confusing depending on how you have been using local adjustments in the past
