Fireworks and just a tone curve

Took this this evening…

and the only processing is a tone curve…

Capture d’écran 2022-07-14 à 00.33.07


I just realized where you are it is already the 14th.


Well, it wasn’t when I shot this. A lot of towns do their feux d’artifice on the 13th this was looking across the bay towards Locquirec.

This evening we have our own, here in Plestin-les-Grèves and we are told it is going to be a grand sons et lumières this year. Our club photo has a privileged ara apart from the main crowd, so I am hoping for some great stuff.

BTW, i tend to take 5 shots on the same frame in camera - it makes for a lot less post-processing

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Wow, great shot and excellent processing. So simple.

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When you have a chance post some of the ones you capture from your “privileged area”


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I like the way you captured the fireworks in front of a “dark sky” rather than in front of a “black” sky/background. How many separate images did you take of this shot - 5, or less?

Thank you. That was down to the sunlight not having completely disappeared below the horizon, even though it was 23h19.

I have found that 5 shots seems to be the best compromise between “not enough” and “too much”

The exposure for each shot was 4s @ f/22, ISO 64. The D850 does an excellent job of combining the shots into a single image and I can set whether I want to prioritise the darker or lighter parts, or average the exposures.

Here’s a couple. The problem was that the display area was just a tad too large for the 28mm end of my zoom and I didn’t have time to change for the 20mm after discovering that. Note to self - remember to use the 20mm next year.

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