Filter on Landscape and Portrait

Please can we have the ability to filter images in the PhotoLab Browser based on their orientation. Landscape or Portrait.

That would be nice. There’s a catch though: Cameras can be set to auto-rotate images or not, be it on the screen of the camera or the computer. Depending on how these things are set, an image taken in portrait orientation might still show in landscape orientation.

Example: Files from a Canon EOS R7 contain

  • one “orientation” EXIF tag. Depending on camera settings, it can indicate “horizontal” in files of photos taken with the camera held e.g. in the “grip up” position
  • two “auto rotate” MAKERNOTES tags indicating the camera orientation when the photo was taken.

I suppose that you’d like to filter for images that were taken either

  • in portrait (grip up or down) orientation - or
  • landscape (grip right or left) orientation

independently of camera settings.

Could be a handy feature indeed, although implementing the filter might be difficult and depending on what tags should be taken into account for each camera model, lens used and firmware release of both camera and lens - in cases where different releases exist.

Nevertheless, vote for your proposal, @DanielHarvard

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Just filter on the orientation as they appear in PhotoLab’s browser, regardless of EXIF tags. PhotoLab allows the user to rotate images by 90 degrees in the browser. So if I rotate a portrait image so that it becomes a landscape image, then the filter should update to include that image in the landscapes filter and remove it from the portraits filter.

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Anything we see as previews and all the other places have already taken tags into account. So basically the filter should take into account the tags and user set orientation which somehow gets unnoticed in “Advanced History”. Feels like an interesting challenge but hey, “if the can’t do it, they are lousy programmers, one can do anything with software” (I heard that one a long time ago, when my boss’ boss wanted some last minute changes in a project due to be delivered to the customer…)