Filmpack not being accessible from Photolab after last upgrade (plus other tools missing)

After the latest upgrade (7.7.1) I cannot access anymore Filmpack plugin from Photolab. Also, some tools like Creative Vignette are missing, looks like it has been downgraded from Elite? During the start-up I see that it is Photolab Elite, but I don’t see activation codes for Viewpoint/Filmpack anymore. Maybe related to the license handling changes mentioned in another post? At first start-up after the upgrade I had to reenter the activation code. Anyway it is very annoying because this is not a bug suffered because of new features (something that is understandable) but because of probable new restrictions. :frowning:

Oh, I had to activate Filmpack also in Photolab (Help > Filmpack > Activate Filmpack and similar for Viewpoint even if it worked).