Export with DP not working at all in 4.0.2

Hi Team,

i am running DXO PL 4 on a Machine with Win10, current Patch Level, Ryzen 5 3600 and RTX2070.
I had the Issue with Exports not working when Deep Prime and local adjustments where applied in 4.0.1.
Updated to 4.0.2. Now in 4.0.2 simply all Exports Fail with unknown error as soon as DP is enabled. Please advise!



Dear @Silberkorn,
a friend of mine have had similar failure with a new windows 10 machine and we decided to choose for CPU only and the failure has gone. Maybe you give it a try

Best regards


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Hello @Silberkorn,

Could you, please, provide us with the logs for the investigation? You can find them here - %UserProfile%\Documents\DxO PhotoLab 4 logs

Please, upload them via upload.dxo.com under your forum name in the ‘support ticket number’ field and let us know when ready.

Thank you
Svetlana G.

That helps here as well, but the processing time is much higher. I wanted to use my RTX2070 for that.

@Silberkorn this is why I requested your logs - we want to investigate the issue. Have you already uploaded them?

Svetlana G.

i have a rubbish GPU and in auto modes did a test Deepprime in latest build 4.0.2 4437 win10.
no issues:
this is a 100% crop:

it’s almost magic.
intel by the way, could be a AMD ryzen thing .
second test:
i finally got a shot at the stars by night:

peacock butterfly pillar.

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Hi Svetlana, i did upload the current logs from today that should show the issue.
Hopefully this could be solved, i cannot wait to purchase this great tool.

As Mentioned, Graphics Card is RTX 2070 Super.



hatte Àhnlichen Fehler bei Export mit DeepPRIME, wenn mehr als ein Bild gleichzeitig entwickelt werden sollte. Folgendes half:
In den DXO-Support Seiten zur Grafikkarte steht eine Möglichkeit beschrieben, einen Wert in der dxo.exe.config zu Ă€ndern. Bitte mal genau nachlesen. Bei mir hat das geholfen. Keine Probleme mehr. Aber: Die Änderung muss nach jedem Update wieder durchgefĂŒhrt werden.

Besten Gruß

Hello Alex,

Thank you. We’ve got the logs and the issue will be investigated.

Svetlana G.

Danke fĂŒr den Hinweis.

Da steht aber:

Bitte beachten Sie: Diese versteckte Einstellung funktioniert nur bei einigen Low-End-GPUs, die meisten Grafikkarten jedoch sind davon unberĂŒhrt.

Die RTX2070 ist aber nicht low end. Oder meinst Du nen anderen Wert?

ja, das steht unter. Ich habe es gemacht; es hat funktioniert. Meine GraKa ist eine AMD RX 570, also tatsÀchlich nicht die potenteste im althergebrachten Sinn, zumal nur mit 4GB Speicher. Als Treiber fungieren die aktuellen AMD-Pro-Treiber. CPU ist die Ryzen 5600, dazu 32GB Speicher.
Ich habe testweise 18 NEF-Files der D750 im Block (das waren 532,4 MB Daten) mit DP entwickeln lassen, in 16 bit Tiff. Einstellung zwei Bilder gleichzeitig. In 137 Sekunden war das erledigt, also ca. 7,6 Sekunden pro Bild oder 3,88 MB/s. Ich denke, das ist nicht sooo schlecht. Der Rechner, der sonst flĂŒsterleise ist, wurde allerdings beĂ€ngstigend laut

Ich wĂŒrde mir von DXO auch etwas mehr an Informationen zum Thema GPU wĂŒnschen

Gruß Thomas

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I had the same problem with DeepPrime in version 4 but I have a Win 10 system with an “older” AMD chip and an RX590 video card
It would actually crash the whole machine! No logs or anything, just stop and go into a hard stop with the colling fans running on high ( like it lost power) !
It would process the files if “CPU only” was chosen but it took WAY too long. It would NOT process with just “GPU only”.
I ended up swapping to a borrowed Geforce (Nvidia) RTX1660 Super and the program works splendidly now!
I suspect there is some issue with the way the program uses the Radeon/AMD GPU driver or certain hardware combinations.

Hello @jmbsmt63 and welcome to the forum,

Could you, please, check if you have the logs here - %UserProfile%\Documents\DxO PhotoLab 4 logs for the day you experienced a crash? If yes, please pack them and attach here or send via upload.dxo.com

Thank you,
Svetlana G.

I have replied (with the attached logs) directly to the email you sent but it might’ve got snagged in your “spam, etc” because I received an immediate response stating that the address changed because of excessive spam?
I have also uploaded the pertinent logs directly using the DxO upload link you provided.

i agree with TomL and would also like to have more informations tor the GPU theme

But it’s also a problem with other manufacturers like Black Magic with Davinci resolve 17.
If you aren’t a crack for graphic cards you are alone deciding which card to buy :tired_face:

For what it’s worth, I have an open case with DxO where I can only export one image out of a batch. My work-around is to go into preferences and set it to handle no more than 1 image at a time.

This may not be related to your problem. In my case, I could write one image OK. And if I selected multiples, the last one worked, all others failed. And I’m not sure that DeepPRIME has anything to do with the problem.

Thank you. I’ve passed your logs to the developers.

Svetlana G.

Dear @Silberkorn,

We need to do a deeper investigation of your problem and need some help from you. Could you, please, take this file DebugLog.nlog (467 Bytes) and put it in %UserProfile%\Documents\DxO PhotoLab 4 logs folder (please, remove all the logs .txt files from there). Then reproduce the issue with export with DeepPrime. After that provide us with the new logs that will be created.

Thank you
Svetlana G.

What is your AMD Graphics driver version? Could you ensure that they’re up-to-date?

Did you change page file settings? I see in your logs only 2.4GB of swap allowed. Given that you have “only” 16GB RAM this could also be a source of error. Especially make sure that “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” is checked in Windows settings.

I have removed that card from the system at this point.