DxO can’t export the RAWfile, so it is developing the present state of the edited rawfile to your settings:
So it stores this in the same folder as your source and it returns after saving in the application and updates the tiff-file. after that a export to disk does nothing more then compres the 16bit adobergb in to a in my case 8bit sRGB jpeg.(all the prime and such is then already done.)
What you can do is use:
you can customise the destination folder for the tiff alter the suffix as your liking or even discard it completely.
then point your Application to that folder (open all tiffs in Affinity photo and just use that export modes to Jpeg in the end or export to a second step 16bitTiff folder with a new suffix as reminder.)
do pre- edit in DxO of all and then second step to all.
no clustered rawfiles, Virtual Copies and the developed Tiffs in one filmstrip.
personalised track(record) for your desired development path.
When i do more then just one tiff for stacking or viveza or such i always use the preset “TIFF” .
(i have this in Adobe RGB for more wiggleroom after conversion from raw to tiff. last step is always sRGB.)