After editing a photo in Photolab 8, I export it to disk as a tif. The exif is still there at that point, but after I convert it to a jpg later, it’s gone. I have all the appropriate boxes checked to save the exif when converting. This started happening after getting a new camera, Nikon Z6 iii. When I edit and convert photos from my old cameras, there is no problem.
If I export from Photolab as a jpg, the exif is still there. It just happens when I export as a tif, then convert later.
Is there any way of fixing this?
You convert it from tiff to jpg in PL?
No. I export it from PL as a tif, then do more editing in another program and save it as a tif. Then I save a copy as a jpg.
Then it’s going to depend on what EXIF data your other app writes.
I just downloaded a Z6iii nef file and no problem.
Where did you download it from? I’d like to try to see if would do the same for me.
One other thing, when I edit the photo in PL, then click on the Nik filters button and edit, or not even do any editing, export that saved file as a tif I don’t have a problem. the exif is still there after saving it as jpg .
I understand that, but I don’t understand why I’m suddenly having the problem when I never did before. I contacted them when it first started, but they were no help. I even contacted Nikon, but they were no help either.
What program do you use to convert them from tiff to jpg?
If the tiff contains the exif but the jpg from that other program doesn’t, then you must look at that program.
And what kind of exif : all or some.
I use Paint Shop Pro but even if I don’t use PSP and just open the photo with the Windows photo viewer and save it as jpg, the exif is gone.
When I’m in PL and edit the photo with NIK filters and export it as a tif, then open it in Paint Shop Pro then save it as a jpg, the exif is still there.
I would think that if PSP is the problem, it would remove the exif from all my photos, not just the ones taken with the Nikon z6 iii.
I think all the exif gets removed…when I upload the photo to Flickr, none of it is there, not even the date taken.
all of those sample photos are jpg, I’d need a RAW file to test it
Win11 version of Photos strips EXIF data on TIF to JPG export, unlike Win10 version. See e.g. How to retain EXIF Data when editing photos in Windows Photos app? - Microsoft Community
However, Win11 Paint app retains EXIF data upon TIFF->JPEG conversion. I don’t have PSP to check what problem is there.
RAW samples are further down on that page.
Imho, the question is for PSP support.
So, I just tested that. Win11 Photos did strip the exif when converting to jpg from tif.
But PSP does not strip it IF I first use the NIK filters from PL.
The workaround is to open every photo in the NIK filters while in PL and save it, then export as tif. Then converting to jpg keeps the exif. I don’t understand why it does that and I don’t like having to open every photo in NIK but at least it works.
Thanks. I dealt with PSP first, but got nowhere.
The Nik export may strip some EXIF fields, so maybe PSP does not tolerate some fileds in EXIF of PL TIFF export (like ‘SampleFormat’ ???). Normally software should just ignore unrecognized exif tags. Only PSP engineering can tell…
I d/l one of the test RAW files, and it worked the same as my own files.
I’ve been trying to figure this out since Oct. but it looks like it’s time to give up.
Thank you for trying to help!
The differences between EXIF in PL8 TIFF export and the TIFF export of that TIFF by ColorEfex7 is in X/YResolution (300 vs 72), ColorSpace (sRGB vs Uncalibrated) and addition of SubjectDistance (tested on one of those Z6III raws above). None of these should affect PSP saving exif, so probably the bug in PSP is quite subtle.
New camera models sometimes use EXIF tags that are not universally recognised, so if your camera model is more recent that your software, there may be limitations on reading and writing the tags. To see how the tags vary take a look at the EXIFTOOL documentation:
EXIFTOOL has a list of the cameras (link follows) it has been tested against, and your model is not there, so I doubt PSP will have test it either.
That makes sense. I guess I’m just out of luck, PSP hasn’t updated since 2023 so I’m guessing they have no plans to. Thank you for your help!
It is there, Z6-3. Her problem arises in the workflow PL export tiff-open in PSP-save as JPG . The last one fails concerning the exif. PSP doesn’t have to know the camera.