Estimate when XD2 for Fuji Xtrans will be integrated

is there a timeline?

No, or if there is DxO are not sharing. I am told It will be here “shortly”, whatever that really means.

They had the same trouble when DPXD(or it might have been just plain DP) first showed up. I seem to recall that it took about 6 months for them to fix it. Maybe the problem with XD2 is similar and it won’t take as long this time.

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I would definitely like to see the Fuji X-T5 gain support in PureRAW 4. I made the mistake of purchasing it today, and then decided to read more product information. I then discovered that PureRAW 4 doesn’t support it.

I am still on the demo of PureRaw 4. For my X-T5 raw files, it does a better job of rendering the files than I recall from PureRaw 3 when I demo’ed, despite not having the XD2 algorithm in effect in version 4.

" Fujifilm X-Trans support coming soon "

It’s been 33 days and still no Fuji X support…

Ah yes the curse of the DxO “soon”. They work in different a time-zone to the rest of us :slight_smile:

DxO today:
Our development team is actively working to extend DeepPRIME XD2 noise reduction technology to Fujifilm X-Trans RAW files in the coming months.

coming soon = coming months ???

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