Estimate when XD2 for Fuji Xtrans will be integrated

is there a timeline?

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No, or if there is DxO are not sharing. I am told It will be here “shortly”, whatever that really means.

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They had the same trouble when DPXD(or it might have been just plain DP) first showed up. I seem to recall that it took about 6 months for them to fix it. Maybe the problem with XD2 is similar and it won’t take as long this time.


I would definitely like to see the Fuji X-T5 gain support in PureRAW 4. I made the mistake of purchasing it today, and then decided to read more product information. I then discovered that PureRAW 4 doesn’t support it.


I am still on the demo of PureRaw 4. For my X-T5 raw files, it does a better job of rendering the files than I recall from PureRaw 3 when I demo’ed, despite not having the XD2 algorithm in effect in version 4.

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" Fujifilm X-Trans support coming soon "

It’s been 33 days and still no Fuji X support…


Ah yes the curse of the DxO “soon”. They work in different a time-zone to the rest of us :slight_smile:

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DxO today:
Our development team is actively working to extend DeepPRIME XD2 noise reduction technology to Fujifilm X-Trans RAW files in the coming months.

coming soon = coming months ???


3.5 months have passed since my request and still nothing new regarding the release date of DeepPRIME XD2 for Fuji. What is going on in your development department?


I’m also disappointed, apparently DxO lives on another planet called “Coming Soon”

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Umm, by my reckoning it’s only about 2.5 months (8 March to 20 May).

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Now we know that DXOs “coming soon” means a period of more than 2.5 months.


Today the new version 4.2 was released and Fuji X-Trans is still without support!
DxO, what you are doing there is wrong !!


5 months after the release of PR4 and still no XD2 support for Fujifilm. Can you understand that this is very frustrating for PR4 buyers who use Fujifilm.


Who are you speaking to? This is a user site. If you want to send your concerns directly to DXO use


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I agree with your sentiment but who knows technically it might not even be possible. You still have XD though and that was good enough in the past I imagine? Of course, none of this is helped by DxO’s promise that it would be here soon but as Mark suggests - there is little point in complaining here.

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When DeepPRIME XD was introduced it also took a very long time before it was available for Fuji x-trans sensors. That’s not an excuse, just an observation.
