Encoding in keywords photolab6


I am working on my keywords using imatch at the moment and am very happy to see that keywords are reported in the photolab database.
However there is a problem in the é or è encoding that appears ? in Photolab .
Imatch is using UTF8 so it should not be a problem. can somebody explain me what occurs ?
Thank you.

I use ExifTool (via my own app) to write keywords and PL doesn’t have any problem reading them…

But, if I try to enter another word starting with ‘é’, the lookup only finds words beginning with “e”…

But if I force a lowercase version of the same word, it is accepted so, now, I have two different case versions of the same keyword…

Here is my keyword hierarchy manager, which has no problem…

And, mysteriously, executing a search in PL has no problem finding such words…

… except that it also finds all other metadata that contain “e” :woozy_face:

I would say that this needs looking into and maybe you should file a bug report.

@Cecile-C is this something you can look into?