Enchanted Pond


I can see the reflections in the water, but on my screen, the pond is so dark I can’t really see much of it. It might look more “enchanted” if it was lighter, so we can see it better? Just a thought.

Really? I can see beautiful reflections. If you don’t see that detail it sounds like you need to calibrate and profile your monitor.

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First glance hmmm not much to see here but on closer inspection nice mystical photo

Well, yes I can see, and posted about, how great the reflections are, but to me, the water around the reflections (and some areas above the pond) seem darker than necessary.

I have two screens, a calibrated ASUS 27" display, and a standard MacBook Pro 14" display. Depending on a lot of things, the MacBook adjusts to the room lighting, so I do all my editing on the larger (calibrated) display.

If I make your image larger, it gets better (to me). If I block the lower part of the image, it gets better. Maybe my eyes are reacting to the brightness of the foreground. If I block that, using the text block as I’m posting this reply, then the pond suddenly appears lighter and more impressive. Without the very bright foreground I think I see what you want me to see.

If you look at the image at a large enough size, you will notice that there is detail and texture almost everywhere.
I quickly marked the only areas that are really black.


Nice - it looks like you’ve made gentle use of the Orton effect. :slight_smile:

I’m happy to admit that I like the Orton effect. Even if it wasn’t really intended here. :wink:

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had to google that agree after reading what it means

“Orton effect”???

I need to look that up later today.
Sounds fascinating, based on the above posts.

I guess I now need to find a way (if possible) do do this from within PhotoLab.

I’ve created a preset that I can post when I get back

I don’t know if it’s the same. I found this one here in the forum at some point.
Orton.preset (3,4 KB)

I’m not at home yet but that looks likely

Yes I believe that’s the one. I use @Joanna’s preset occasionally. In addition, I tend to use the Luminosity mask as needed to modify the lighting to get a little closer to my understanding of the original concept. I have an example I created earlier today which I can post later when I get home. I’m not certain how close my image comes to the original concept but, in any case, I like the effect. I think it may be lacking a bit in the amount of background softness


Here’s a link to the image that I demonstrated it with…

But do remember that it may not work on everything and may need fine tuning.

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As promised, here is an image edited using @Joanna’s Orton preset. I also used the Luminosity mask to provide a bit more “glow”. Filmpack is required, and for those interested in also using the Luminosity mask, it must be FilmPack 7. Not sure how “Orton” the results are, but I like the effect.

The image was captured at around 6 pm last Friday September 6th. The sky was mostly cloudy.


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