Hi Do you have a date when support will be available for Viltrox Lab 135mm f1.8 lens?
@Marie any timeline for adding SamYang 35-150mm F2-2.8 L mount?
Since there are now half a dozen excellent adapters that enable the use of Sony lenses on Nikon cameras without technical issues and correctly transmit EXIF data, are you planning to include the combination of Sony lenses and Nikon cameras in your database in the future?
Think about it for a second. In order to do that DxO would have to retest every single possible lens that could work on a Nikon camera with an adapter, and they might have to do that for every adapter available. That would probably be a logistical nightmare.
There are no optics in these adapters, are there?
If I am right, one is enough.
No need to test different Adapters - ‘only’ the lenses. And even if it is a nightmare - it’s still their job.
They have done it for Canon with nearly all the EF lenses on EOS M (EF-M) then on RF.
To accommodate those changes they would have to get loaner copies of each lens to test them all again on adapted bodies, And what then?. Do you expect DxO to create profiles for every lens from every manufacturer that can be adapted to every camera body from every manufacturer? That is not realistically going to happen.