DxO PL8 - Magnifier tool missing for noise reduction preview

This is showing in PL7, but in PL8 it is hidden. Any ideas how to get it to show in PL8?

Look for the Loupe tool on the top bar


Thanks, found it, looks like this wasn’t available in PL7. I think my GPU might not be powerful enough - takes a few seconds to load. In PL7 the window was directly part of the Noise reduction palette. My PC is Intel 11th gen with built-in Iris XE Graphics.

Might be me, but it does not appear to refresh if I change the Noise Reduction setting from 0 to 100 - cannot see a difference in the loupe.

UPDATE: It was me. It is updating in real-time. I had to use a very high ISO image to see the difference - duh!

That’s what I thought I saw on a demo of pureraw4.

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Note that, depending on the performance of your GPU, it takes a lot longer to render results for DeepPRIME XD than it does for standard DeepPRIME;
image - DP XD2 on left + standard DP on RHS.

So, to compare more comfortably, it’s best to select DP XD2 first - wait for it to render - then select standard DP … and you should see the standard DP result quickly enough to be able to perceive any difference.

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… or use a virtual copy → more on here …

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Here’s the detail of Wolfgang’s suggestion … Good advice :white_check_mark:

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