Yesterday I just stumbled over a video called: “Photolab 8 20 tips for a sublime workflow” in the series “DXO Photolab for the passionate photographer”
I believe both me and others often walk past and miss some really useful features we have right in front of our noses in Photolab and in my case despite I have been using Optics Pro/Photolab longer than I remember. That is probably why I got something to think of after seeing the absolutely “shining” presentation in that video mentioned above and that was also one of these really rare presentations of a real presentation master that effectively, without any excesses of either words or irrational mouse moves that often get me just to turn off, when he delivers what he wants to say - nothing more and nothing less. What a refreshing presentation! This presentation is small wonder of rigor and clarity - just see and learn all the rest out there on the internet!
Don´t forget to read the comments!
Also look at this little example that I learned from a video too. I literally had no idea about this little really useful interface function we have got but I would never have found without the other video. It also got very useful together with all the new “compare”-functions in version 8. … but I just wonder how many that never will see it or use it?
I wonder how many R&D-departments that really makes as deep and thorough usability tests today as some of the big software companies in the nineties did. I remember it caused a certain amount of crisis when Microsoft found that most users of Word and Excel were using only around 5% of these softwares features. I guess that number ought to be higher with a software like Photolab but I´m pretty sure there are a lot of funktions many never uses even in Photolab 8.