DxO Photolab 8.2: changed behaviour after cropping, not maximized any longer

I noticed a different behaviour on 8.2 (and I think 8.1 also) which I don’t like very much. It’s in the customize screen. After starting PL a photo is normally maximized in the customize preview. After cropping (and I also change the aspect ratio a lot of time) sometimes the photo is not shown maximized anylonger. I have not discovered how it behaves after cropping, but sometimes it is too small, and sometimes it is zoomed in too much, so not all of the photo is shown.
What I would like is that a photo is always shown maximized on the customize screen, because that is what the end-result will be.
This also was introduced on PL6 in the past and corrected at some point. https://forum.dxo.com/t/changed-behavior-on-6-3-cropped-image-not-automatically-maximized-after-cropping
Maybe time to add an option ‘always show maximized’ or alike, when this behaviour is introduced on somebodies request.

I even see sometimes it is not maximized after cropping, and I press F3 to maximize it, but it does not fully maximized. Then when I change the white balance (temp) it suddenly changes maximized… Very strange behaviour.

I am not seeing this problem in PhotoLab 8.2.1. for Windows. If you are on Windows have you updated PhotoLab to 8.2.1?


Yes, running Windows 8.2.1, but I think it was in 8.1.x also… I am working through remote desktop on an HP Z8 G4 (dual 6154, 192 GB, RTX A5000). I am not able to tell when it is happening, but I think changing the aspect ratio is an important trigger.

When are you changing the aspect ratio with regard to the crop? Just before? Just after?


Normally I apply my preset to all pictures in a library (panasonic g9ii raw’s), and then start editing. Usually I change the aspect-ration (when the shot ‘needs’ it) and then crop. Sometimes 1st aspect ratio, and then crop.
This new behaviour is a nuisance because I never know whether what I see is the full result… And I don’t like to press (fn) F3 every time after a crop or changing to a new photo.

I’m seeing this too, Mark - exactly as @miloman/ Paul describes it.

F3 will “fix” it … but not always immediately - sometimes I need to press F3 a second time (if I’m too quick to press it the first time).

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I see the problem now. It appears to be related to the cropping of multiple images at the same time which I never do. In my experience, cropping single images work as expected. However, once you crop multiple images at the same time the problem occurs and continues to occur even when a single image is later selected. Restarting PhotoLab fixes the problem when cropping single images.


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Nor do I, Mark … I’m seeing this problem following crop of individual images … It doesn’t occur every time. I’ll start paying more attention, to see why/when it’s happening.


I have been dealing with this problem for a long time. I had written about it before (I can’t remember when), but that hasn’t changed. But this does not happen every time.


I’ve just encountered a situation where the problem occured;

  • If I have two consecutive images: one in landscape and the other in portrait … when I finished cropping the first image and I moved to the next image, it was not properly maximised.

  • Unfortunately, this was not reproducible … or, more likely, I’m not yet aware of all the steps necessary to reproduce it !

No, it doesn’t … which makes it difficult to pin down.

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Was the crop tool still active from the first image you cropped when you went to the second image or did you deactivate it in the first image before moving to the second? If it was still activated from the first image, try to test deactivating it first and then move to the next image you want to crop and reactivate it. See if that makes a difference. As you are aware, It’s important to try to hone in on the sequence of events when reporting a bug to DxO.


I deactivate the crop tool, because I want to see the result. As large as possible. I hardly do crops on multiple images, so that is not a cause. And I hardly do portrait shots, so also not be a cause…
I have not managed to discover the logic…

John, you are not running DxO using a remote desktop by any chance?

No, I’m not, Paul … Just a standard desktop config.

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This is a further extension of the “fit to window” bug that was introduced in PL6. It’s really never been fixed.

They have been playing with the behavior trying to improve it, but it’s still not fixed.

The bottom line is there are 3 controls on the top of the window that control the zoom level. There’s the “fit on screen (F3)” button, the “Zoom to 100% (F4)” button, and the zoom pull down/text box. If “Fit on Screen (F3)” was the last control I activated (and I didn’t pinch to zoom or anything else) then Fit on Screen should always be active and the image should be scaled to fill the screen always including as I change images or activate or deactivate controls (like cropping, rotate, distortion, etc.)… Until I choose a different zoom level.

And sadly this is not how the software behaves since PL 6. (PL6.3 I think. 6.2 was fine.)

There are so many of these little details that don’t get any attention at DXO that I have stopped trying to highlight them, even though this one slows me down when I’m editing large galleries.


I created a request for the same, hopefully that will help to create a solution for this behaviour.

I have added a screen recording on youtube: https://youtu.be/x6my_Gdkeu8
I cannot determine when a preview is shown maximized, and when it is necessary to press the ‘miximize’ button.
A solution might be to make the maximize button ‘sticky’, e.g. same behaviour as the crop button. But I don’t know what should happen when the button is not active (so not maximized)…

That’s well documented, Paul … and clearly shows the issue with inconsistency (and annoyance) of crop-tool behaviour.

May I suggest you update your support request with a link to your post (just above this one).


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Yes, good suggestion John, did that first thing. Hope DxO takes the time to have a look at it.
If you have any suggestions please let me know :+1:

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