DXO Photolab 6 - Keywords

Quite the amateur here. I am wondering if keywords can be easily accessed by one of the modules?

I would like to copy and paste keywords but I am unable to do so like I could in Lightroom.



If you do the following:

  • right click on an image (in the main window or filmstrip) that has the keywords you want to copy and select Copy Metadata
  • select the image(s) you want to copy the keywords to (for one image in the main window or filmstrip, or for multiple images at once in the filmstrip) and right click. You can select Paste Keywords (overwrite anything there) or Append Keywords (to what’s already there).

Thank you very much!!

Can I copy to a text document? I just tried and couldn’t.

Do you want to copy keywords outside of PL ?

Yes. I guess so. If I have a keyword on an image that I think post I want to be able to copy and paste that to a text file. This would save a great deal of time.

Can’t do it?

Am I the only one not to understand the usefulness of the thing ? :grinning:
A great deal of time for what ?

Reasonable minds can have different views. This would make DO Photolab a better management system. The management function of DXO is difficult compared to competitors. This is an easy one. Easy to make this change. You may not see the usefulness of this but Lightroom users would understand in a minute.

A great deal of time when using the photo management function of Photolab. I may not have explained it clearly.