There is a problem with DXO Photolab when you export a RAW file that was taken in portrait mode to JPEG or TIFF as soon as you have worked with this file in the DAM Photo Supreme (PSU). I shoot RAW with a Nikon D7200. Reading out EXIF and XMP information with Geosetter I have these results with my out of camera RAW files in portrait mode: Exif is left bottom (90° counterclockwise) and there is no XMP information in the file regarding orientation. Once you deal with this file in PSU and synchronizing it PSU introduces a new XMP information 90° counterclockwise into the RAW file (or into a sidecar which is no difference for this problem), so that this RAW now contains the orientation information 90° counterclockwise in EXIF and XMP. When you then export this file to JPEG out of DXO Photolab the resulting JPEG has the EXIF information changed to top left (horizontal), whereas the XMP remains left bottom (90° counterclockwise). When you view this file in DXO, Windows Explorer, Irfan View or Faststone Picture Viewer the orientation on the screen is ok (reflecting EXIF horizontal), but is already tilt to the left in PSU (reflecting XMP 90° counterclockwise). It gets worse when you synchronize again in PSU, because PSU is then giving preference to the XMP information and transfers this to the EXIF, such changing the EXIF information to 90° counterclockwise. After this the EXIF and XMP orientation of the JPEG is in line again, but the display of course is a complete mess with the screen display tilt to the left in DXO, Windows Explorer, Irfan View, Faststone Picture Viewer and PSU. It would be nice to have this irregular export behavior fixed with DXO Photolab on export not only changing the EXIF information from 90° counterclockwise to horizontal but doing the same for the XMP information if such an XMP is contained in the RAW file or in a sidecar. Creating a file that has different orientation information in the EXIF and XMP section is completely irregular and a mess for everyone. So please acknowledge this misbehavior and fix it. Thank you so much.
Hello @roeslewf,
Could you, please, provide us with the example of the image+xmp and we’ll analyze.
Please, upload them here - and let me know.
Thank you
Svetlana G.
Thank you. I can do this tonight. I will give you a NEF with EXIF and XMP 90° counterclockwise and the corresponding JPEG exported from PL with the EXIF 90° counterclockwise and XMP horizontal. The XMP is embedded in the NEF, so no extra XMP file (problem is the same when testing this with an extra XMP file instead of embedding). Is this enough? Will then let you know when the files are uploaded.
I try to understand this, as I have also some problems with JPEG orientations.
you mean JPEG embedded XMP and not the sidecar XMP. Is this right?
Yes that is right. I have XMP embedded and do not use XMP sidecars.
OK, thanks, if there is an incostistency between EXIF and embedded XMP after PL export, this could explain, why all my portrait JPEGs had the wrong orientation in On1 RAW as I have tested it last time.
You can easily test this with the program Geosetter that is able to read out the EXIF and XMP information for you.
I trust you there. I have recently established ACDSee as my DAM, as long as there in nothing in PL. And ACDsee showed me also, that there were orientation inconsistencies, which I could repair by overwriting the EXIF orientation.
Yes, enough.
Thank you
Hi Svetlana,
just uploaded two files for you. Please let me know if you got them and thank you so much for looking at this problem.
Thank you, Wolf.
I’ve got them and we’ll investigate the behavior.
Svetlana G.
Hello Svetlana,
any news on this topic and in a more general way on the full XMP compliance of DXO PL?
Thank you for caring!
As soon as it’s fixed I put a message here.
Svetlana G.
So you are going to fix this. Great!
Hello Svetlana,
let me ask you if something has been done re full XMP compliane of PL. Do we have to wait until PL2 to get this fixed?
Hello Wolf,
This XMP rotation issue has been fixed in PhotoLab 1.2.2. You shouldn’t face it anymore if you’re running the latest version.
Nice to hear. Thank you! I changed my workflow because of this problem, so I did not realize you fixed it.