DXO discounts: Discount coupon, promotional code

…don’t forget that our brains do things to make what we see look “correct”. Our brain has learnt what is white or parallel (to mention a few properties only) and adjusts our perceptions in order to make them look “right”…

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Our brains also filter what we see. How often do you see something in the print you didn’t see in the viewfinder; like the telephone pole behind the couple?


Yes of course… That’s what I indicated when I mentioned using distortion creatively, but it’s still distortion, used creatively or not.


Not if u use a Pole-filter… :shushing_face:

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North-Pole or South-Pole Filter? :zipper_mouth_face:

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Depending on what side of Tellus the image was taken, of course… :smirk:

Yes, that’s a valid point.

I often find, if the “Intensity” slider is set to 100, that the result can look unnatural or too-perfect! So, my starting point is 75% - and then I may adjust from that, as needed. It’s also worthwhile understanding the purpose/affect of the Advanced Settings.

John M

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I finally made the decision to get Photo Lab but currently can’t find any discount/promo code that’s still working… Can anyone help?

Thanks :wink:

Hi and welcome to the forum. Unfortunately I don’t think that there is an official discount sale going on right now. I’m not sure if there are other small discount promo codes available or not. So you may have to just wait for the next discount sale or pay full price. All of DXO’s software is available in 30-day free trial versions so you can download the trials and hope for a sale in the next 30 days. That’s what I did with Filmpack 5 elite. DXO’s software are most definitely worth full-price but if you can get a discount then so much the better!

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Hi Mark,

I couldn’t have expressed it better.


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The other thing you can do is keep an eye on the Dxo webinar schedule, you can find them at the below link. They sometimes give some discount codes out. They are also quite good to watch😁


Looks like a sale has just started today.

Up to 30% discount

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