DOP Files into Forum

I’m not the most computer literate guy.

Old age farmer storm chaser.

Got all these DOP files in finder on MacBook. Thought copy and paste would suffice to get them on forum but reverts to same image each time.

I’m missing a step? Photo below on link

I’m not sure I understand your problem, but the DOP files should normally be stored together with your RAW files. They contain all the settings you have done in PL before you export them to disk as JPG, Tiff or whatever format you use.

@FarmerPhotos If you want to upload a photo to the forum, you need to either reply to an existing thread or create a new post. Then just click on the upload icon. This will allow you to select the folder(s) containing your photos. Click on the picture(s) you want to upload and it should appear in your message. This will also work, if somebody wants you to upload the DOP sidecar file. I will apologise now, if I have got the wrong end of the stick!

As @TorsteinH says, the DOP file normally sits next to the original file taken with your camera. So I’m not sure, why you have a folder containing a load of DOP files?

I am a Windows user, but imagine things will look similar in Finder.

Here’s a screenshot of my Mac…

But, unless asked, you would not normally upload either the original of the DOP. You would export to a low resolution jpeg for people to see a copy of the processed image.

I would raise the same question.

no idea? Is it a Mac thing

You need to start over and tell us why you are trying to upload a dop file. a .dop is NOT an image so not sure why you would want to upload one to these forums. Please explain. I’m an experienced Mac user so if you make it clear I might be able to help.

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Perhaps he wants to upload a raw file and its associated .dop file.



Have you moved the original files you took with your camera, to another folder on your computer?

@FarmerPhotos you really need to communicate more if you want any answers.

At least, we need to know…

  1. How do you transfer your files from your camera to your computer?
  2. Where do you put the files on your computer?
  3. Once you have edited the files in PhotoLab, where do you export them to?
  4. Do you move your files after you have edited them?

@Joanna keep in mind that by his own admission his computer skills are not strong. It can be difficult to ask the right questions and to understand what information is being requested, and how to provide it, if you are not comfortable with the terminology. The problem apparently occurs as a result of trying to upload a file to this site. I don’t know whether he is attempting to upload a jpeg or a raw file with its associated .dop file. Unfortunately, I am very Mac illiterate and can’t guide him through this.


I will just learn from forum.
All good.
Shall keep up my passion as australias oldest storm chaser and edit to best of my ability


But do feel free to ask questions about how to do things, rather than struggling by yourself :grinning:

Your photographic skills are nothing short of good/great.

Dop files are generated by dxo photolab when you edit a image.
It gets the same filename as the image you edit.
So rawfile 12345.raw will get a sibling 12345.dop and it’s created abd stored in the same folder as the image is stored in.

If you like to see what’s in it, you can use note, (the one whose creating a filename.txt.)
It’s only a kind of storage of your editsettings of that image so when you delete or crash the dxo database all your editing settings are stil there.
Keep in mind that every dop file has a dxoplversion which is updated when you open the image in a newer dxopl version and dop files arn’t alway’s forward compatible. Well backwards which means imidiatly updated.
So in order to have some backup.
1 edit images in a folder.
2 when done export your jpegs.
3 create a subfolder inside the folder you editted the images in.
4 select all dopfiles and COPY not MOVE them into that subfolder.
This way your editted rawfiles have alway’s a backup of dopfiles.
5 don’t forget to update this copy action if you re-edit images in that folder. So that last moment is backed up.

So if you have a oh dear i messed up my image edit and can’t use history to turn back because you closed the application before notising this error, just find the same file name.dop and copy that from the sub folder inside the image folder done. Your a happy camper again.

Uploading files towards the dxo forum is resticted for new members so it wil say to you if you can’t upload.
Other wise click on the arrow simbol right of " and left of :slightly_smiling_face: and it opens a folder structure in which you can search your file.
Select and then click ok.

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