Display on 4K screen

I have a BENQ 32 in. 4K display screen,
I have a DELL Alienware Aurora equiped with Intel Core i7-7700K, 16 Go RAM and GeForce GTX 1080 video card.
I deal with D850 RAW format photos of 50 Mo average.
It takes between 2 to 5 seconds to display any photo, zooming takes time as well, Ihave checked it’s the processor which is working, the video card is not sollicited.
Do you experience such problem with 4K screens, do you have solutions?

Hello @Blaireau and welcome to the forum!

The time of image loading also depends on the corrections applied. What if you apply “No correction”, is the time the same? And if yes, you can address the issue to the support.dxo.com

Svetlana G.

I load images with DxO standard correction