Disable virtual copies at all!

I was less annoyed - not at irate yet :slight_smile: - when I only edited on one OS, but only because I simply didn’t see some issues. You don’t notice that the DCP and LUT functionality isn’t portable until you have PL read the dop on another host on which the path of the DCP/LUT isn’t the same. You don’t notice all the other quirks you’re also going to run into if you decide to move from Windows to Mac or vice-versa with your next computer purchase. I’d still be mighty peeved at many of my images being rotated incorrectly as of PL5, and the lack of a migration path from the Legacy to Wide Gamut colour spaces with PL6, and the refusal of DxO to address the issues, but it’s the cross-platform compatibility issues that have caused me more daily pain. I admittedly try to avoid them by editing on one OS as much as possible/convenient, but that’s a compromise I haven’t had to make with other applications.

Not that other applications don’t have issues of their own - I dropped C1 because of their recent licensing changes, Exposure looks to be dead and gone (sadly, because it was both capable and reliable), ON1 is no less buggy than PL and even more over-marketed - but I’ve found AP to be quite reliable, and it gives me far more freedom to use it as I want on the hardware I already have. I still hope DxO ups its game, but I’m not holding my breath after 7 major releases. I’ll choose reliability and learning some new tricks with AP unless I see improvements during the course of PL7.


@anon78744791 I am not interested in the underlying engine of the product, unless it greatly affects my ability to make edits or the quality of those edits when applied to the image.

My comparison is with respect to the editing process that I need to execute and whether I find that especially useful to me or not and the answer is that I took to DXO OpticsPro with free copies of 8 and 9, dithered over the 10 trial version and finally purchased OpticsPro 11.

I like the editing methodology and the export options, it fits with what I want my Photo editor to be!

You may well be older than me, I am just passed my mid 70s and have been taking digital photos since 2003 but on Bridge or compact cameras until a move to Micro Four Thirds in late 2015 but still taking only JPGs.

I didn’t start taking both JPGs and RAWS until January 2018 and have tried many different “old” fashioned Photo editors over the years but didn’t “enjoy” any particularly until OpticsPro!

Gimp left me cold then and when I had a look recently it did nothing for me!?

The total images “scares” me, the RAWS (RW2+ORF) total 201,412 since January 2018, the JPGs are between 1,000,00 and 2,000,000 according to WizTree!! Please see EDIT below

I just realised what I really value about DxPL and that is the DOP, the ability to put down an image edit and pick it up again at some time (or never) in the future!

@Guenterm you beat me by one major release, my first encounter was version 8 as I stated above but no purchase until version 11.

If you see the figures above with respect to the number of images I take then single image processing is not what interests me in the slightest!

I have purchased Serif products since way back, but then they left us Windows users without anything for some time until the product became available on the Windows platform.

I think that the negative comments made about DxPL metadata handling are over stated and many of the comments could be applied to other products with even more justification that applying them to DxPL. But certain nuances of the product were misunderstood and if you understand them then you can produce hierarchical keywords that match Capture 1.

But there is actually a major problem with keyword renaming that I have never written up but that is for another day, maybe.

As for DxO engagement with its typically well informed userbase, it is an appalling joke.

They don’t listen, they don’t engage, except on their own terms, they shoot themselves in the foot from time to time as a consequence and, arguably, they deserve all they will get from their userbase.

Which is a pity because it is the product for me!

@asvensson If you have read the above before you get to this bit you might get the reason that I stick with DxPL. That doesn’t change my opinion of DxO nor my frustration that things that could (should) be done to improve the reliability of releases do not appear to be happening.

I have played with Lightroom and C1 briefly, neither “lit my fire”. I detest Adobe (and Apple) and any model that locks my editing work behind a subscription is a no no.

I feel that the Mac has something with M1 etc. and for the first time in their history I was tempted to consider buying a Mac mini instead of upgrading to a new Windows system but I have way to much invested in Windows (good or bad) to throw that away and playing with VM is a whole new learning curve, so I will stick with my three Windows machines.

The weather in the (South of the) UK has taken a turn for the worse, up at 5.00 yesterday to drive my wife to the airport for a holiday with her sister and a group of lady friends so I hope it stays nice in Portugal.

I need to start some tidying and decorating, managed to complete some fence painting yesterday before the weather broke!



Edit:- My maths is not all it should be, or rather my reading of the WizTree output was incorrect because on the F: drive I hold all my images excluding some RAWs, that I stored separately for a period, and a library of reduced size JPGs and that library is included in the totals, so the RAW totals stay the same and the JPG totals are more like 500,000 sorry!!

I’ve used Macs since 2004 I think it is, and my most recent one is a 2020 M1 Mini. It’s a nice enough machine, but it’s also the reason I decided to try Windows for my photo editing.

For one, the “Macs just work” sentiment is overblown in my experience, at least with current Macs. Until Apple started building disposable computers (ie. integrated disk and ram) I would have concurred, but my experience since then hasn’t been great. I’ve had two of them (laptops) spontaneously die, and my M1 Mini has always had trouble getting along with my 30" HP display: sometimes loses the plot and drops down to a lower resolution, other times refuses to wake the display from sleep. I eventually gave up and moved the Mini to a 24" display that it gets on better with. I’m sure Apple would like me to buy one of their displays to go along with my Mini, but I like my HP thank you very much so I’d prefer that the M1 Mini deal with it, like my older Intel Minis. It also spontaneously reboots now and again, and after the Monterey upgrade Finder hangs if I try ejecting a network drive. I’m not overly impressed with the degree to which it’s just working.

For two, I got tired of the companies like DxO only supporting relatively recent versions of macOS. With Apple pushing a new version yearly (mostly with nothing significantly new from the user’s point of view), this means being constantly stuck between needing a newer macOS to upgrade PL and new enough hardware to upgrade macOS. I actually think that Apple’s hardware support isn’t bad (they do give you a fair number of macOS versions before the hardware no longer makes the grade), and it’s less of a problem with companies like Serif that provide generous macOS support, but I suspect I’ll be able to run current software on my existing hardware for longer on Windows than on macOS.

So, I decided to build new computer out of some new and old parts, install Windows, and try that with my 30" display. No problems, but moving between this new machine and the Mini is when I started noticing all the compatibility issues with PL. Otherwise, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how pain-free using Windows has been: if anything, it’s the Windows machine that just works, and the Mini that gives me recurring grief. The fact that WSL also gives me a Linux environment is a big bonus; better than XQuartz on Mac these days.

The one pain point has been my RX 580 gpu, that PL started playing badly with around PL 6.7: DeepPrime previews that won’t complete, sporadic export failures and crashes. DxO blames AMD, and says I’d be better off with a newer NVIDIA gpu. Maybe, but I’m not inclined to buy a new gpu until I see movement on issues they can’t blame on AMD. AP and more work just fine with my 580, so it could also be another case of DxO not caring about backwards compatibility, expecting the user to suck it up when it’s easier for DxO to assume a newer gpu.

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@asvensson While they might be right about that, if it worked before what have you (DxO) changed so that it doesn’t work now?

I am more concerned with respect to issues like that one than I am about most of the other issues!

Users have been experiencing problems with PL6.10 and PL7 where the product is effectively exporting as if it is ignoring the existence of the graphics card, i.e. executing a CPU only export!

There are two issues, actually with your experience slightly more than 2, i.e.

  1. That DxO suddenly declare that from a certain release only graphics cards later than GTX xxx, RTX xxxx will be supported and anything else is either not supported at all by the software, which would be unforgivable, or a warning that the software may or may not not work beyond a certain release …

  2. Regardless of the fact that cards were working successfully they suddenly cease to work, with cries of its the drivers, its the GPU manufacture, it gremlins in the …

I understand that DxO would be keen to ensure that the software extracts the maximum “power” from the latest graphics card but is it really impossible to be able to retain code that was already there and working and add a new path to the new code!?

I am not a particularly naive user I started using my first computer in 1965, I have previously stated that it was 1964 but my wife pointed out that I went to college when I had just turned 18 so that would mean 1965.

A 4 year computer degree (2 college, 1 industry, 1 college), 2 years research, 3 years lecturing then I decided to see what the real world of computing had to offer!

Then 36 years with Burroughs, turned Unisys, on their “Large Systems” platform as a DMS II Database Specialist with customers who paid millions for their machines and ran them 24/7 365(366) days of the year!

If one of our operating system or systems software colleagues changed something that caused our customers system to fail in any way, typically during regression testing, there was hell to pay.

New alongside old not new replacing old, harder to handle certainly but the only way to go to keep existing customers “happy”, a hard enough task at the best of times with customers like me!!

I think we all understand that apparently the codebase is such a mess that DxO will be better off to cut loose ends and start rewriting (or at least seriously plan) from scratch ( if they have guts and money to retain people - not evangelists - for the task duration ) , it is OK if they dump support for anything older than 3 generations ( in nVidia worlds that will be anything older than RTX 20** ) - there are more serious matters to address

They are charging as if that what they are doing, but I suspect not. I agree its what is needed with the mess 7 is at pressent and the problems with latter version 6.

I’ve done nothing beyond regular Windows updates. It started misbehaving for me around 6.7, although I don’t necessarily edit every day so if it’s something that DxO has changed then it could have been introduced in an earlier version, but I didn’t have these problems in earlier PL 6 versions, closer to the initial release.

No, it’s not, but DxO has demonstrated before that backwards compatibility isn’t a top priority for them. :slight_smile:

Of course, I’m well aware that it well could be a driver or other issue introduced by some update and that DxO isn’t doing anything different, but I don’t really care. I’m just a user in this case, and DxO’s software has started behaving more poorly than before, and not only for me it seems. It’s up to DxO to investigate and try to mitigate the problem if they care, but so far all they’ve said is that they’ve identified “compatibility issues” and suggest that I buy a new gpu. :roll_eyes:

It would be very bad form for fully supported gpus (which is how PL 6 identifies mine) to become less then fully functional during the lifetime of a release. If DxO wants to drop support then they have to do it in a major release.

I’ve notice that PL 7 only identifies my gpu as partially supported. What that means is a another mystery. I haven’t found any explanation, and I haven’t yet received one from DxO after having asked 10-ish days ago.

It’s very likely that I would have a better experience with a recent graphics card. Mine is relatively old, but it’s been performant enough for me. If buying a new gpu every time issues that might be related to the gpu is another cost of using PL then the cost of PL itself starts to look low. Maybe that’s their intention. :slight_smile:

Neither am I (well sometimes maybe). Again to be clear, I wasn’t disagreeing. Different tools for different purposes. And sometimes you just make do with the tools at hand - which is why I keep GIMP around and occasionally use it. And you’re older and your number sound impressive. But I don’t want to compare numbers either.

Regarding the topic of Nvidia vs AMD GPUs: I don’t recall any time where AMD was the better option for general productivity. At least for anything to do with imagery. Be it 2d, 3d, still or video).

I just checked prices and I think an RTX3060 for example is well within the range of a worthwhile investment for a photographer using PhotoLab under Windows. Though it’s all off topic in a thread with 0 votes.

@noname That would render two of my cards obsolete and cost £250 to £300 to replace one of them but those with laptops would find them rendered obsolete and would be facing a much higher bill than that.

There may well be other serious problems to address but given it is currently (or was currently) working why throw that away?

The graphics card is actually not used much during normal processing which makes @asvensson’s comment above about a failure during DP previews worrying but it is used more than I thought!

This is me moving the viewing window around the screen first on an image with DP then on an image with DP XD with a 1050Ti card installed.

Our guess is that the codebase is a mess but only DxO know the extent of the problem!

In addition my assumption that DP and DP XD processing has gone wrong because DxO is keen to exploit new features with the RTX 4000 range is just a guess for the sudden spate of export problems.

It should always be a high priority, you can only upset (p-off) the userbase a certain number of times before the number of subscriber renewals starts to decline.

They have raised the level to an RTX 2000 series but both my 1050Ti and 1050 show as being O.K. and both work fine, but other 1050Ti’s have problems (possibly desktop versus laptop but I cannot be sure).

I’d rather they were more hesitant about deprecating any feature including graphics cards!

That was my decision and I haven’t regretted it, and the prices has fallen since I bought one! There is some controversy about whether the RTX 4060 is actually much better than the 3060 and DxPL noise reduction is a very specific workload.

However, the RTX 4060 is reckoned to put less strain on the power supply but I had no problems with my 550W Seasonic Platinum and the RTX 3060 I bought. I think I determined that the peak load from the card only lasts for a short time, i.e. it is not a sustained load like game playing would impose.

It is, apologies @Kit.

So far I have only found “Unwanted VCs” when mismatched UUIDs are involved, file dates and times do not seem to cause such problems, at least in the tests I have been running.

such is life …

no contest, starting with undisputably better performance per watt and ending with the fact that nVidia will drop support for 3060 earlier than for 4060

and there are a lot of brilliant videos to learn about to use the software.

Here is a link for all are interested.

Nice weekend

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