According PL8 release notes Deep Prime XD2s is an improvment in respect to Deep Prime XD. But why there is a combined button “Deep Prime XD/XD2s” at the “DxO Denoising Technology” feature? Does PL8 software decided automatically if an image will be processed with XD or XD2s?
If yes, when an image will be process with XD or with XD2s?
Remark: Since I use an old GPU, I have to run PL8 with CPU only. Could it be that XD2s is only applied, if PL8 runs with GPU?
DeepPRIME XD2s is the evolution of DP XD, but is not available for Xtrans photos.
The latter will therefore be chosen. Only in this case.
Keep in mind that PhotoLab’s denoise is DeepPRIME.
DxO can go further, DP XD2, but it’s a risky business.
The best is sometimes the enemy of the good.
OK. Means all my photos taken with a Canon EOS 80D will be procecssed with XD2s if I have selected noise reduction XD/XD2s, right?
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That’s correct.
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