Design mismatch Windows version

I’m on windows and noticed …
x two correction settings are expanded
x I want to collapse all and right click at one correction bar and choose "collapse all)
x the other one is collapsed, but not the one i made the right click…that’s not all :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

the other one is on the right sight pallettes…there is no Expand aa or collapse all

seems to be a little design mismatch

best regards Guenter

Hello @Guenterm,

Well, for now it’s by design as these are two different menus - one for a palette and the other one for the sub-palette.

The good news is that this menu is going to be improved.

Svetlana G.

I noticed the same thing. All settings within the same pallette are collasped, except the one where you right-click “collapse all” on.


  • Yes and this is exactly how it should work - only the sub-palette you work on is expanded.

Svetlana G.

Good Morning,

I can live with but for me it’s not logical and the wording isn’t correct because description is not “Collapse/expand others” :innocent:
I’m waiting for improvements and go on developing

Enjoy rest of the week without any strange threads from me :relaxed:

Good morning @Guenterm,

Okay, let’s ask @StevenL about the wording :wink:.

Svetlana G.