Crop tool not working properly since update installed on 17/07/24

Since updating Photolab to the latest release yesterday (17/07/24) the crop tool is no longer working properly. On occasions you can grab a corner to resize the photo but then the next time it doesn’t do anything no matter where you hold the pointer. It is very erratic on when & it works & when it doesn’t. I tried uninstalling & reinstalling but without any success. As a last resort I went back to the previous release & all is working fine again. This is obviously a bug in the new release for Mac. My IMac is an M1 16gb version & is fully up to date.

Yes, I noticed this too. Very annoying.

Have you tried rendering a large (100 or so) batch of photos with the new version? For me, it eats up all my RAM and crashes the system. 32GB M1 MacBook Pro.

I have the same issue with crop on my Mac mini M1.
Not yet tried on big export.

I’m having the same issue as well!

What a total nightmare! I have a wedding gallery I’m trying to finish and the crop tool being totally busted has slowed me down tremendously!

I’m thinking of going back to a previous version at this point.

*i9 Macbook Pro 2019

Already done that here.

I’m trying to find a link to download the previous version of 7, do you know how I could find that?

Do you not have Time Machine running? Just go back to just before you did the update and restore the app bundle

Ahh, that’s a good idea. I didn’t think of doing that.

same problem here crop tool problems. at this point it is not usable like this as it locks up when exporting as well. Mac mini M1.

I have the same problem, running Ventura on iMac.
PhotoLab Elite 7.8.0 build 63.
I have written a bug report.

Same issue but noticed That if am very careful with placing curser over corners etc you can drag crop - so it still works but collector placement seems really narrow now

Hi Djoran,
Did you got any news from support ?

Answer from support:

“We have already invesigated and noted on the issue. Rest assured, we have already fix the issue and it will be released soon in the next update.”

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7.8.1 build 64 for macOS is now online with a fix for this (and other things). Looks ok here.

Don’t forget to backup your previous version before installing.

Yes, 7.8.1 build 64 is ok, this bug is now removed.

no new windows build as of yet

I’ve never needed to do this.

What is the procedure for people to back up their existing version of PhotoLab, before updating to a new version?

Until now, when DxO tells me it has a new version ready to install, I just install it. I guess I’ve been lucky. But I’m still on Version 6, not 7.

Perhaps I should be saving, not deleting, the update files?

Fixed now on Mac version PL 7.8.1.

On a Mac this is done automatically - if TimeMachine is active and the backup volume is big enough.

I mostly do this: Duplicate the PhotoLab app, then update the original app. This easily provides a means for fallback:

  • rename the updated app and remove the “copy” suffix of the app that you haven’t updated
  • delete the plugins (they are from the updated version) … but I mostly don’t do that

Currently, I keep more versions and rename the apps with the respective version and build numbers:

PhotoLab 6 and 7 get regular updates and are therefore candidates for fallback :person_shrugging:
Small detail: the character after DxO is not an ordinary blanc but a protected blanc…which changes sort order if you look at things with