Correction of palettes are enabled automaticly

Just tried. D750, set the temp manual on 10000.
In PL opening first time temp 5400, enabling raw temp 10014. Small difference.
Difference between Johanna and me is that I set the wb to manual. IView mentions manual in the exif.

And what about the discussion about the initial value of the wb when raw is disabled?


As Svetlana already said “The default value of the WB Temperature slider = 5400°K”.

Or maybe I don’t understand the question.


@Marie, as far as I’ve understood @George, the pain lies in the fact that the default value of 5400 does not go away when images are switched.

Maybe it’s also about language, many of us are not native English speakers…
For translations, I have found that did a fairly good job when I used it.

I can understand that for the presets but, what about when you select a temperature manually? Which is what I do, to the extent of not just choosing one of the “steps”, but dialling in the exact temperature. I use 5600°K and would have hoped, since it is written in the EXIF, that it would be read.

Given that this exact temperature is available in the manufacturer’s data, couldn’t/shouldn’t it be part of the camera profile?

Just an idea :blush:

The main problem of this discussion is that PL suggests that Raw wb can be disabled. It just can’t. Trying to do that is something as going up the ladder without a ladder.
The picture I see when I open it the first time is a picture with a color temp “as shot” but the info tells 5400. The 5400 is not used.
From what I understood from Platypus the value is overwritten with the used color temp on a Mac. I can’t check that, but that would be the right way. And it isn’t on the win pc.
In the example of Guentherm on a win pc PL shows the image with a color temp of 3381K but the info says 5400K. Only when enabling, whatever is meant with that, the value is updated to 3381 and stays like that, also when disabling again. The picture doesn’t change, the histogram doesn’t change. Only the info changes ones from wrong to right.
The shown value isn’t updated in the beginning where it should be updated. On a win pc anyway.


  • That is because the palette is not enabled and the auto calculation is not forced. This is the same for example like Contrast - when you enable the palette the auto value is calculated:
    You just see the default value of the slider but it does not mean it’s applied when the palette is disabled.
  • It’s because the “auto” value is “as shot”.

Svetlana G.

That’s not the same behaviour on my 2 win pc’s.

The same behaviour as with me although we may disagree about what should be.

May I conclude that on a Mac the 5400k is updated to the actual used temp at initialization but not on the win pc.
And that when I see a temp of 5400 then that’s for nearly 100% a wrong number?


Here is the behavior on Windows:

We have a little bit different algorithm from MAC - as I wrote above the slider is updated with each image re-selection.

  • You see it for a second like in the gif, right? Then it’s calculated according to your image.

Svetlana G.

The same as with me. So one of us did misunderstood Platypus. Question: who of us?


Hello, the video of Svetlana shows exactly what I’ve tried to describe with my 1 to5 steps.
So maybe platypus can also describe with steps or film what is wrong.

Playing with the tool.
Opening an image as before.

  1. Raw disabled. Shown setting: as shot. Temp 5400. This is a wrong combination.
  2. Raw enabled. Setting as shot, temp, temp 5138. This is the right combination.
  3. Change setting to tungsten, temp 2850. Picture shows this temp of 2850
    4.Raw disabled. Picture shows image as as shot,5138. Setting tungsten, temp 2850
  4. Raw enabled. Picture shown with temp 2850.

This tool shows the image always as as shot when disabled. When enabled and you change the temp the setting changes to one of the other possibilities and the corresponding temp. When disabling the image is shown as as shot but the setting and temp in de window doesn’t change and are related to each other. And that is not the situation at opening. The 5400 should be overwritten with the as shot value.


For Step 1 maybe its not nice, but isn’t incorrect…because
If something is disabled, all subvalues are defined wit whatever parameters (default values DXO developers decide to take.)
This behaviour you will find also in software nothing has to do with photos
Only my opinion


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Again, on my Mac, WB works as I expect.

With the WB tool disabled

  • WB is announced almost immediately and the value displayed is whatever DPL makes of whatever is in the image and its metadata
  • When I go from one image to the next in rapid succession, WB is displayed to be 5400, DPL’s default value - so be it. When I stop fast forwarding, the value of the currently selected image is displayed.

With the WB tool enabled and set to Camera Settings

  • Behaviour is exactly as described above.


  • In an earlier test, 5400 showed up briefly and then was replaced with whatever DPL makes of whatever is in the image and its metadata
  • I’ve meanwhile deleted the database and cache files and now, the WB value changes so quickly that I cannot see the 5400 any more - unless I fast forward through the film strip.

While it is an interesting thing to know how DXO works under the hood, I don‘t understand why anyone wants to disable the WB panel instead of having it enabled and set to camera default when when working on RAWs. I tend to tweak WB a bit on most pictures and never would disable this panel. For me it is as fundamental as exposure.

It is interesting to be able to disable the WB tool for partial presets. This allows partial presets to work an image while leaving WB alone. This means that you can set WB early in your workflow and later apply a (partial) preset that will not disrupt that early step.

Eh, a partial preset is about excluding a tool from influence the preset given image not deactivate as in switched off then it’s part of a (partial) preset…

The WB discusion i lurk. Only thing i know is temp and tint are a fixed lineair scale to writedown a lightsource color. Which the camera uses to correct to it’s best knowledge a white spot white. Which is influenced by lensglascoatings and filters, sensors specifications tolerances, calibration errors/tolerances… And that’s only onboard.
I noticed that every software has it’s own idea how to interpretate a temp and tint info which they recieve from a camera and is always in WB as shot slidly different.
For me i don’t care, only thing i like to have is a autocorrection tool when the camera is fooled or mishitted the WB.

I’m unsure if I expressed myself correctly. I’ll try it again: Imagine a partial preset called “SCHTROUMPF” that only changes exposure by one stop. All other tools are deselected (have no blue border to their left) when the partial tool is edited. (Note: the top tow tools cannot be deselected)

Example workflow:

  1. Change White balance to 10’000 -> the WB tool is activated (blue switch on)

Result: White balance is still at 10’000 and exposure is changed by one stop.
Applying SCHTROUMPF does not switch off the WB tool nor does it change the temperature or tint.

Caveat: Partial presets cannot be created in DPL Essential Edition.

Yes, this is the exact behaviour of a partial preset.
Maybe i understood your writing wrong.

So in the mac version the wb tool shows a correct relation between the “setting” and the temp. Also when opening the image the first time. And this behaviour is different from the win version.
If less time was spent in explaining but just except that difference and looking for a solution, a reparation, life would be easier. I’m not a programmer anymore, but I recognize this situation. It can’t be difficult to fix.
I just want to see correct figures.


This post was a reaction on post 38 from Platypus. It took 3 days before getting posted. Weekend service. :thinking:

“Correct” is relative, I’m afraid.

Checking several editors for WB values I got this salad.