Correction of palettes are enabled automaticly

Eh, a partial preset is about excluding a tool from influence the preset given image not deactivate as in switched off then it’s part of a (partial) preset…

The WB discusion i lurk. Only thing i know is temp and tint are a fixed lineair scale to writedown a lightsource color. Which the camera uses to correct to it’s best knowledge a white spot white. Which is influenced by lensglascoatings and filters, sensors specifications tolerances, calibration errors/tolerances… And that’s only onboard.
I noticed that every software has it’s own idea how to interpretate a temp and tint info which they recieve from a camera and is always in WB as shot slidly different.
For me i don’t care, only thing i like to have is a autocorrection tool when the camera is fooled or mishitted the WB.

I’m unsure if I expressed myself correctly. I’ll try it again: Imagine a partial preset called “SCHTROUMPF” that only changes exposure by one stop. All other tools are deselected (have no blue border to their left) when the partial tool is edited. (Note: the top tow tools cannot be deselected)

Example workflow:

  1. Change White balance to 10’000 → the WB tool is activated (blue switch on)

Result: White balance is still at 10’000 and exposure is changed by one stop.
Applying SCHTROUMPF does not switch off the WB tool nor does it change the temperature or tint.

Caveat: Partial presets cannot be created in DPL Essential Edition.

Yes, this is the exact behaviour of a partial preset.
Maybe i understood your writing wrong.

So in the mac version the wb tool shows a correct relation between the “setting” and the temp. Also when opening the image the first time. And this behaviour is different from the win version.
If less time was spent in explaining but just except that difference and looking for a solution, a reparation, life would be easier. I’m not a programmer anymore, but I recognize this situation. It can’t be difficult to fix.
I just want to see correct figures.


This post was a reaction on post 38 from Platypus. It took 3 days before getting posted. Weekend service. :thinking:

“Correct” is relative, I’m afraid.

Checking several editors for WB values I got this salad.

Correct is what PL used.


Okay, I see your standpoint. Nevertheless, I find that other apps tell me different things.

I just shot a series with my camera set to 5200K

  • Canon DPP4 reports that the shot was taken with colour temperature set to 5200.
    DPP has a slider (showing 5200) and a two-dimensional tint feature.
  • RawDigger (which uses exiftool) reports WB to be 5200, shot at 5464
    and measured at whatever is measured from the image.
  • Lightroom reports all shots with a WB of 5000K and a tint of -1.
  • PhotoLab reports all shots with a WB of 5287K and a tint of -1.

White balancing an example image in DPL and Lr will give me 3900K and 440K respectively… Which one is correct and does it matter? It simply means that you cannot take a reading in one tool and apply it in an other tool, expecting to get the same results.

In my example it is 5138, post 36. That’s what PL calculated and that’s what I want to see in combination with “as shot”. From the very first beginning like in the Mac version. I thought we had this already discussed.


You don’t want to see 5400 forever, but the WB that DPL derives from the file?