Copy selected correction settings

it wuold be nice to be able to copy only the selected correction settings. I don’t understand why there is only the possibility to paste selected correction settings. this would help because when pasting the settings on multiple individual images or groups of images we would not need to open the paste selected correction settings and turn off the unneeded settings all the time (most often the geometry correction is not useful in other images)

The same for individual local adjustment and with an add option mode.
Not only this replace all local adjustments with all copied local adjustments.

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Do I misunderstand? There are short cuts like Ctrl + Shift + C to copy and Ctrl + Shift + V when pasting all corrections

Ctrl + Alt + V + Enter when pasting selected corrections

I use that a lot with Virtual Copies without any problems for me


And how would you select which corrections to copy?

If you select multiple mages in the filmstrip and then choose Ctrl+Alt+V to bring up the correction selection option, then apply the selected ones, they will be applied to all of the images selected in the filmstrip. So you only have to make your choice once.

yes I know but sometimes I scroll through the photos, and I forget to select some of them. Being able to select which one to copy rather than selecting which one to paste would spare me few clicks.

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exaclty how you select which one to paste (which is already possible in the current version of dxo photolab as someone already pointed out), but you do it at the copy stage.

yes I know there is this possibility but you can only copy all and paste some, I would like to copy some and paste all, maybe this looks useless to you, but based on my workflow this feature would spare me a lot of clicks. I’m asking this feature because I had it in my previous photo developing software and I got used to that workflow, and not having this possibility here makes me miss it.
Furthermore Dxo already have the interface ready it would be very easy for the developer to implement it also at the copy step and not only at the paste step.

What rikkarlo is asking for is to be able to do the inverse of what is currently the copy process in PL. Instead of copying all corrections and then selecting which ones to paste, do the opposite - copy a selection then paste all of that selection.

The advantage is that you only have to “select” once rather than every time.

This is the way that LR works and I find it better.

Perhaps a toggle to select the method of choice?

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My guess is that the request boils down to the following:
Save (e.g. in user.config) corrections selection, so that the choices can be reused in the current or future sessions.
AFAIK, something like this was already requested few times, like remembering the last edited photo across sessions (not just the directory). Time saving features, but perhaps not that sexy (in marketing terms) and important as the loupe in PL8, so maybe they can appear in PL8.x, rather than PL9++?

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that’s exactly what I meant thanks for translating my messy message :rofl:

if they implement in pl8.x it would be great! Let’s hope they see this request!

I am sorry to burst your bubble, but I have been long enough to know that It is highly unlikely they will ever implement it, and even if they decide to do it for some future annual upgrade it will never implemented in a point update to PL 8.

Historically, once DxO implements a new feature, like the copying and pasting of metadata or adjustments, they are done with it and don’t readdress it with further updates, even when there are lots of requests, unless there is a bug. I can give you a couple of dozen examples of that just off the top of my head.

Also keep in mind that DxO unfortunately only implements around a dozen new features and current feature updates for new annual upgrades. As a result they almost never spend their limited resources on relatively minor usability updates regardless of their importance to some users. And when they occasionally do, they have dozens of similarly minor requests to choose from. The requested update backlog is huge and growing every year.


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Thanks for your answer, I’m kinda new in the DxO family so it’s useful to see how they work.
I’ll wait patiently then :slight_smile: it’s not a dealbreaker feature, honestly :).

I am glad to hear that. It will likely be a very long weight.


well, you could always create a pre-set from your desired corrections, then apply that to any number of images you choose from 1 to ~~ images.

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Yep you can definitely do that as well, there are many workarounds I’m aware of that, but sometimes I want to copy the effects to just 5 or 6 pictures in a specific set.
In these cases having the possibility to selectively copy only some effects is still the fastest and most flexible way of working for me, sometimes I just want to copy some edits and paste them to random pictures in my library without necessarily having to deselect the effects I don’t want on a popup window all the time, or filling my preset library of almost identical presets.
The closest I can get to the feature I’d like to have is by deactivating the effects on the reference picture before copying with Ctrl+Shift+C, and then simply pasting with Ctrl+Shift+V, however you have to scroll between multiple tabs and you might forget to reactivate them all, so I still think that this is still less convenient than having a dedicated pop up window as we already have at the pasting step.

The problem with this is that you will probably have other “unique” adjustments to that/those particular photos that may be wiped out with a preset.

which kind of adjustmenst are not saved with presets?

pre-sets are only applied when you want them to be. The option of always applying a personal default is a user-selectable item. I personally use that configurable item to turn on multiple adjustments at their DxO default levels just so that I can remind myself of a preferred workflow.

I think the key is to understand how the ‘layering’ of multiple pre-sets, filmpack options, and copy/paste from other images interact with each other.

Are we indeed guaranteed first-in first applied sequencing, will a pre-set always overwrite anything already set or ‘add on’ to what’s already there, and so on.