If you have unexpected crashes or notice a strange behavior when using one of the Nik plugins, you should consider uninstalling Asus GPU Tweak, whatever the version and whatever the GPU you are using. I had serious problems with version II, ditto with version III.
Similar problems with Topaz apps are also immediately fixed after uninstalling Asus GPU Tweak.
This tool might be useful for gamers but it’s terrible when using post-processing apps.
display of a small external info window informing about the GPU status when opening Nik menus (followed by a crash or a lockup when closing the window).
crash or lock up when opening the Nik “check for updates” menu.
random crashes during various operations.
When I understood that the above mentioned info window didn’t belong to the Nik program, I started to explore the GPU related tools. And I remembered GPU Tweak that I rarely used. And after uninstallation, bingo, no more crashes or strange info windows.
With Topaz apps, the problem was unexpected crashes in various situations. Well, a crash is always unexpected. For me, an unexpected crash is one that cannot be reproduced on another system or that has never been reported in a similar situation.
The only reliable GPU overclocking/undervolting app that I use is MSI Afterburner, and even that one can be dangerous for stability if you don’t know what you are doing.