Compare several photos in same view

So, bloating, convoluting and mess are just distributed among your whole system… Is that really better ? Pas si sûr…

@florisvaneck Sorry but post-prod software should have “must have” and photos compare is a must have in post-prod…

I never ask doing the same as LR or CO because I didn’t like them and don’t want for them, then sorry you are describing my request badly.

Photo comparison is a basic in all post-prod software used for photos selection.


The question is if PhotoLab is the right tool for photo selection. I don’t really think so. That’s why our opinions differ.


I use IMatch, PhotoLab and Affinity Photo. No mess at all. All work together perfectly.


Still no feedback for future feature on it?
Best regards

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look also here Some kind of Light Table

9votes plus 10 votes are 19 votes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I would like to have some kind of light table to compare 2 or more photos…

  1. Developing original photo No.1 with different styles will give me for example one master and 3 different styles. To check and decide which one of them will the first photo for a set of 3 different photos to hang onto the wall, I would like to have them in DPL on the screen. At the moment I go into the print dialog like this example (it’s only an example to declare the problem not a finished developing)

2.After chosen one of these photos I take original photo No.2 and will make the same process like in 1.

  1. after step 2. I will go to original photo No3.and will make the same process like in 1. and 2.

  2. with the 3 results from 1. , 2. and 3. I will give them a chance by comparing this 3 results again in the light table, hoping I’ve made a good job, printing them, put them into a picture frame and hang it onto the wall.

Maybe some of you also miss these kind of function, if yes it would be nice if you give this feature a vote




seems very similiar to Compare several photos in same view

Can we count together :sunglasses:

Dear @StevenL,

it is possible to merge this one and Compare several photos in same view - DxO PhotoLab / Which feature do you need? - DxO Forums in one feature request…that would be a count of 30 votes


@sgospodarenko is it possible to merge the 2 posts as requested by @Guenterm?

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Done but the total number won’t be 30 as some users voted twice.

Svetlana G.


Yes please vote on it :slight_smile:

Dear @lbuisson,

thanks for your Enthusiasm … so please also put your voice to the vote button :innocent:

I created this thread but suppose merge post was deleting my initial vote :wink:
done again :smiley:

Yes …let’s go for goal :soccer: :rugby_football:

Well :soccer: i am watching this evening… XXX vs :open_umbrella:
and vote again. :slight_smile:

I think this should be requested at least once a year.
It would nice to compare two different images at the same time.
I am about to purchase a new DAM software only to get this function before continuing with DXO in the workflow.

Hi, Tom. I don’t see how creating multiple requests for the same feature is going to help.

This one already has 32 votes:

This one got 18 votes before it was closed for being accepted:

Is your request different somehow?

The first link didn’t show up in my search.

Posts have been merged.

Svetlana G.

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