Trying PL6 on a Mac, after using it on Windows for ages, I am struck by how the text is close to being illegible. Could some method not be provided, if not for a light mode (preferably with black text on white) at least some method of increasing the contrast to make the text more legible. To illustrate what I mean, I enclose a screenshot of the area that I consider close to illegible. The colour of the sliders (the white buttons) show the contrast that could be achieved, and that the problem is grey text on black and not just my monitor.
I have to agree with you. If you have a black background, then all text should be white and only light grey when it is un-selectable. I’m not sure but I believe this has been proposed before, but you still have my vote.
for all don’t know that a lot of themes are still adressed by older FR’s with a lot of votes you can take also this one to vote Better User Interface and bring it up.
Just a remark – in the (rare) case that the new version might have ‘stolen’ your PL6 database, check it out as the very first thing and change the path for the new version … then no further problem.
From v7 all major versions (older than v7, v7, v8, etc …) will be independent and it will be possible to keep all of them installed and ready to run.
Minors version (v7.xx, v8.xx, etc …) will overwrite version of the same major type. (v7.10 will overwrite v7.00)
You don’t use database. Doesn’t this help for v1 to 6 ?
I’m sure i’ve heard (probably in the v7 streaming presentation yesterday) this is new since v7 (multiple installations).
Maybe what’s new is transparent and easy multiple installations.