Color Efex Pro 5 freezing when used as plug in, but not standalone

I recently upgraded from Nik 4 to 5, and it all seemed to go well. But…
I’m using PaintShopPro 2022, and Nik 4 worked well as a plug-in with it and all the previous version of PSP that I have used it with.
The problem is with CE 5, when used as a plug-in (PSP uses many of the same plug-ins as LR and PS). In previous version of CE, I would edit the photo, click the OK button which would save the edits and return to PSP. In CE 5, there is no “OK” button, so I try to “save” the image with the edits. When I do, a d box pops up with a progress bar to show the image is being saved, and then it freezes. I have to use task manager to stop the program, and obviously none of the work I have done is saved.
If I save my photo in PSP, then open CE5 as a stand alone, and import the photo there to edit, and then save it again (I do this as a TIFF so as not to have an compression loss), CE 5 works fine, but this is a clunky and time-wasting way to do things.
As anyone seen this phenomenon? I know PSP is not officially supported by DxO, but it has worked just fine in the past, and seems to work here, until it’s time to save the work.