Can't tell what version is new?

Could you identify wha the latest version is on the products page by either a date or version number? When I check “My Software” for information, there is just a vague statement that I many not have the latest version and I should download and update. Well, if I did that last week and see the message this week, I can’t really tell if I need tog got to the trouble again. It’s pretty basis stuff to have teh current version number shown on an update or download page. Why can’t you do that?


The current Nik Collection by DxO has version number 4.
Minor updates can be found if you check for updates by opening one of the apps.

Forget the vague statement. It states the obvious:
We can’t see what you’ve installed, but you got a license.”

Not all of the apps have this capability. Only the newest ones do: Perspective Efex, Silver Efex Pro 3 and Viveza 3.

It would be nice if DxO were to update the entire collection so there is some consistency across the apps, without having to pay for Nix Collection 5!

On my Mac, I removed Nik4 and reinstalled Nik (4.0.7) that I had downloaded as a trial in mid-June.

Opening Analog Efex Pro 2 brought up a window that proposed to update (or not)…

BTW, the software check date is stored in an editable text file located here:
/Library/Preferences/DxO/Nik Collection/NikCollection.cfg

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