Canon RF 28mm f2.8 STM profile

I noticed there’s now a profile available in PL V5.13 - thanks for this. However I don’t find it as good as the default Canon profile that is used for the SOOC jpeg and the embedded jpeg preview in the RAW file. The field of view and distortion correction is about the same, but the corner sharpness and vignetting correction are less good in Photolab. I’ve briefly checked the profile correction in LR/ACR and it seems more like the in-camera correction. I haven’t yet tried the DPP RAW conversion. My experience over many years and many lenses has always been that the DXO corrections are better, so this was something of a surprise. Is it likely that the profile can be reassessed, and is there anything we as users can do to help? Obviously I would prefer to use DXO PL if possible.

Am I the only person in the forum with this lens? If so I’ll sort out some representative RAWs and JPEG’s, and raise a ticket with support.

Anything new to report @nputtick ?

@nputtick Can you please raise a ticket and provide us with sample images (RAW + JPG from camera) so we can analyze the issue? Thank you!

I will do, but it may be a week or so as I’m away from home just now.