Canal Bridge, Miami Beach

DSCF6271 | 2024-07-30.raf (20.0 MB)
DSCF6271 | 2024-07-30.raf.dop (17.6 KB)

I was walking North of where I live, and came to this foot/bicycle bridge over a canal. Something caught my eye, so I walked to the edge of the canal. I liked the way the different lines came together, along with the design of the bridge. The trees behind it added to the photo. When I stare at it now, I keep seeing things that weren’t there. I like the lines, and the pattern, but if someone asked me what the photo is of, I’d have to say “the bridge”.

In color, it looked like noting. B&W brought it to life. I went through lots of films, but ended up with Fuji Across 100 again, but with a red filter, which didn’t do as much as I hoped it would. I guess there wasn’t enough going on in the sky to have helped much.

As the tides come in and go out, I can capture images with the water higher or lower, but I liked what I found this morning.

As always, any of you are free to do with it as you wish.