Cache cleanup

I’ve been casually tracking the size of the PL cache directory (~/Library/Caches/com.dxo.PhotoLab1). It’s been climbing and is now 3.5 GB. That is more than ten times larger than any other cache directory; the next largest, at 243 MB, is Google, and that covers many more products.

3.5 GB for cache is pretty insane. When does PL start trimming that? I’ve been thinking about simply pruning it and starting over … is there any unwanted side effect to doing that?

MacOS Sierra, PL 1.2


Interesting. I’ve been running PL on a Windows 10 machine for 6 months and use it almost daily, and my current cache size is only 713 mb, a fifth of yours. I have the upper limit set to 10000 mb, I wonder if its a problem specific to Macs?


I’m on W10 as well and my cache is 445mb…


And by the way, guys,

You can clean the Cache in Preferences from time to time :wink:

Svetlana G.

Hi RexBlock,

On my MacBook Pro (late 2016) High Sierra and DPL 1.2, I’ve defined a cache of 2 GB, and it’s currently at 1.4 GB, after a long period of utilisation.

And you can see directly the size of the cache in Preference where you can clean it.

Hello @RexBlock
You can change the Cache size here :

Could you take a look and tell us the size you have in preferences