I use face detection and recognition by Mylio on my RAW images (or on their OOC JPG counterpart).
It gets saved to an XMP sidecar in a form, where also other DAM like IMatch and PhotoSupreme were able to find them.
Photolab also sees them, as the exported JPG files (and probably the TIFF, too) also contain that information.
The problem is, when I crop an image, those face regions don’t get transformed so they are incorrect in the exported images.
Below an example. The photo is a really bad one, but displays the behaviour.
There are 2 faces detected on the original one. The same two boxes are displayed by Mylio on the cropped one (in wrong size and position) and there are also the two new proposed marks for the faces.
In my opinion this is a bug (although not critical), as the information exported is incorrect.
I see two options:
a) exclude the face regions from export
b) transform the boxes with all the transformations of the photo (and exclude eventually cropped ones, if necessary)
That’s correct, we don’t adjust XMP content set by third party software, so in specific case where some of this content is related to position inside the picture and that picture is cropped in PhotoLab, there is a mismatch in all XMP data related to position. As we don’t have an exhaustive (and futurproof) knowledge of all these fields set by any third party software, probably a more reasonable thing to do would be to add an option to remove XMP data in output image saving. But then probably other XMP data of interest would be lost.
removing the complete XMP dataset from the export is the worst possible solution. If only this one is possible, then rather leave everything like it is.
Filtering it to remove regions would be a better solution.
Would it be helpful if I provide an XMP before and after the face regions are added by my 3rd party application or you don’t want to alter anything inside the XMP record?
I guess, that you alter it today at export to include keywords added in Photolab (not tested).
Correct, we put keywords added through PhotoLab in XMP data from exported file.
Filtering out only this specific XMP tag set by your third part software could be an option, I inform the product owner of this and we come back to you when we got more visibility about if and when (depending on others priorities) this could be done.
I also want to adress this issue. This also applies to RAW files containing tagged faces passed by Lightroom (and other SW like iMatch,…) to DXO Photolab.
Those follow the standard of the MWG (Metadata Working Group) for Regions Tags. See: MWG Regions Tags
The region (face) is marked by x/y coordinate (top left is 0, 0 - bottom right is 1, 1) and size of the rectange.
The problem and face region tag with DXO Photolab occurs now:
on ALL images with portrait orientation (Photolab is exporting a rotated version and sets the orientation flag from 270CW to horizontal)
when cropping an image
For example this is how the region tag content look like on a RAW (portrait orientation) passed to DXO Photolab:
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Applied To Dimensions H : 2400.000000
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Applied To Dimensions Unit: pixel
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Applied To Dimensions W : 3200.000000
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area H : 0.296667
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area Unit : normalized
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area W : 0.223000
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area X : 0.572000
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area Y : 0.603667
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Name : Persons Name
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Type : Face
[XMP-tiff] Orientation : Rotate 270 CW
[IFD0] Orientation : Rotate 270 CW
And this how the metadata looks like in the JPG exported by DXO Photolab:
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Applied To Dimensions H : 2400.000000
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Applied To Dimensions Unit: pixel
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Applied To Dimensions W : 3200.000000
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area H : 0.296667
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area Unit : normalized
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area W : 0.223000
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area X : 0.572000
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Area Y : 0.603667
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Name : Persons Name
[XMP-mwg-rs] Region Type : Face
[XMP-tiff] Orientation : Horizontal (normal)
[IFD0] Orientation : Horizontal (normal)
So DXO Photolab is rotating the image, but does not change the coordinates of the MWG region tag accordingly. Because of this the face tag is now in wrong possition after it was processed by DXO Photolab.
Similar applies to cropping an image, where the relative position of the face region also changes and should be adjusted by DXO in the metadata.