Hallo, i just bought the Version 6. What I really noticed during my first test is the blatant purple color cast in contrast to the original RAW file (left the original RAW file, right the import from DXO 6.) when i Reexport the RAW back to Lightroom. For processing in DXO I had only used Deep Prime XD, for export “Only Noise Reduction and Optical Corrections”. Editing in Lightroom is 1 to 1 synchronized from the original RAW file to the .dng file, including profile and white balance. What could be the Problem? (Camera OM1) . Here is an example
The problem has to do with the new Wide Gamut Working Color Space. DxO is working on a solution. Until one is provided simply change the working color space to Classic (Legacy).
Yes, I think that the problem is worse on Mac but I’ve noticed a slight darkening and increase in saturation in the reds, browns and purples on Windows too. Generally it can be fixed by changing the color rendering in the exported DNG(with NR and optical corrections only) to something other than the generic camera rendering. This is something that I do as a regular part of my workflow so I don’t really notice it, but it’s there. Try exporting an already saturated(in reds, browns and purples) file to DNG(with DPXD and OC only) and see if you can see it. I guess that I may be the only one that uses this technique on a regular basis, so I may be the only Windows user who has noticed it.