Yes and more inconvenient is the strange behaviour of the filmstrip: returned tiff’s are called:
shotnumber_suffix_tif_tmp2 and sometimes they suddenly disappear in the filmstrip random and by hitting “F5” they come back… i recal a topic abut the fact they called “temp2”
it seems that the “resolved” isn’t in photolab v1.2 but only in PLv2.
(I would be very happy if DxO resolves this also in v1.2 because it’s a real bug.)
Thanks for the types of emulations you like and the comment why, i am not a regulair user of W&B/Monochrome/sepia but sometimes a image is in color dull and in B&W got it its soul or true view.
I made personal presets from your list of filmpack and added my own : Polaroid 672
(oh @John-M, and i did only apply W&B things and unchecked front row : partial presets! so you don’t ruin carefully edit settings of other tools.) works like a charm it only applies the “color rendering” and “Style toning”.
as in silver efex2:
- full spectrum (17) or full dynamic (16) (more high key)
- high structure (5) (hars/sharp look)
- (26) (27) sepia types
- (29) cool tone 2
- (36) antique (fun as in very old image)
Run in to something: if you use export to command and safe back all choosen settings are lost. You can’t re read the filter you used, if you forgot. This is “very anoying” for a fast forgetting guy like me.
you can by using “safe as” and retype file name and add filter number selected the folder and safe, but saved is end of history and settings.
something to remember when using NIK tools.
And finaly something strange happend: @sgospodarenko can you explain this? (its a request not a demand )
normally file name is P123456.rw2 and P123456.jpg so my export would be P123456_dxo.jpeg.
now some of my folders is the “P” changed in _123456.rw2 and _123456.jpg
DOP files are also named _123456.rw2
don’t understand when this happend…
Is solved easy by renaming every file again one by one in to P… but still its strange. (wouldn’t want this in a folder with few hunderd files… Arrgh)
could it be something related to the nik/dpl connection and a database error? never had this behaviour. (also that spontanious disapearing of the tif.tmp2 files which come back with F5)
Last thing:
my safed back as tmp2 are gone out the filmstrip, F5 didn’t help so
by renaming i got them back.