Binic - le port


A very nice view Joanna!

Not your best shot imo.

Well, it took a while for me to convince myself it was worthwhile, but that could be down to the inordinate effort I put into getting it “right”, especially getting rid of contrast fringes. Anything in particular?

From a compositional point of view, the image does not lead my eyes to anything but to wander/err, trying to find what you might have been aiming to show.

I suppose it’s not the relatively empty port basin on the right side nor the distant groups of persons nor the compressed line of lampposts. Sometimes, a subject looks interesting…but yields no image.

When I look at this view, my eyes go here:

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 09.11.32

Perhaps that’s because I enjoy seeing lighthouses, but in this view, everything “fits”. The lighthouse, the reflection, the water, the boats, and even the land.

In that case, plan a trip over here - we’ve got plenty. Just Google “Brittany lighthouses map”

I would love to, but I don’t see it happening.

Lighthouses in the USA seem to be vanishing. We had a nice one 20 or more years ago here in Miami Beach, but they tore it down and replaced it with a silly tower. Disgraceful. They replaced an authentic light house with this:

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 12.02.58

In the 1990’s, I went inside and took the stairs to the top of the original light house, not this… thing. Never thought to bring a camera or take photos…

Here in Europe, we take the sensible view that GPS systems could fail, so we have a backup.

Much better than here.

I think this is the lighthouse I remember:

For most things, I prefer the authentic to the silly new interpretations.
I love old train photos… but I’m getting off topic.

I love your original photo, as it makes me feel I “am there”. I like the way you included two people, to give it some life (at the left) and more people in the distance. Like I wrote earlier though, my eyes go right to the lighthouse. Your photo make me feel like I am “there”, walking to the end… :slight_smile:

Oh, and I like the way you made the photo so tall, so you could include the streetlight.

Your photo “feels” good to me, in more ways than just looking at a photo.

The Monochrome treatment is good, too. It echoes the greyness of what used to be called Les Cotes du Nord back in 1970-71 when I was an Assistant d’Anglais in nearby Guingamp.