Automate as much as possible

PL 7

Hi all,

I am trying to automate as much of the developing process as possible. Exposure, Smart Lighting, ClearView and Rendering to Camera Body, before doing final tweaks.

The one thing that does not seem to automate is Selective Tone, am I missing something?

Would any one like to add anything to my list of automations?

Many thanks

Do you mean that when you record a preset and apply it to an image the selective tone parameters are not modified ?

Apologies if I have not understood you, Franky.

I have set up a preset based on one image that takes account of selective tone, moved to another image, selected the preset and Selective Tone do not change.

Can you post the preset here?

You can edit the preset to see if the selective tone is well selected.
I tested by passing by the presets or by copy/paste correction settings and it works.

Preset = {
Settings = {
Base = {
VignettingClippingAuto = true,
WatermarkTextOpacity = 1,
ColorRenderingType = “FujiXT3”,
LightingPriorityRegions = {
WatermarkImageTopMargin = 0,
ChromaticAberrationLateralActive = true,
HighlightToningCustomHue = 0,
ColorLookupIntensity = 100,
ToneCurveGreenGamma = 1,
EdgeTextureID = “fuitelum1”,
VignettedBlurRoundness = 50,
DistortionAnamorphosisKeepEntireImage = false,
ContrastEnhancementHighlightIntensity = 0,
WatermarkImageLeftMargin = 0,
EdgeTexturingPosition = “Random”,
ContrastEnhancementLowlightIntensity = 0,
OutputSaturatedColorsProtection = 50,
UnsharpMaskActiveAuto = true,
ContrastControlGroupActive = true,
EdgeTexturingSeed = 0,
KeystoningUpDown = 0,
NoiseLuminanceContrast = 100,
FramingApplyToning = false,
ColorLookupActive = false,
WhiteBalanceRGBColor = {
RedEyeEllipses = {
ContrastEnhancementActive = false,
WhiteBalanceRGBTemperature = 5200,
WhiteBalanceRGBActive = true,
NoiseRemoveMoireIntensity = 0,
WatermarkTextColor = {
WatermarkTextPosition = “Bottom”,
WhiteBalanceRawTint = 0,
ChromaticAberrationIntensityAuto = true,
WatermarkImageBottomMargin = 0,
WhiteBalanceRawInputImageColor = {
EdgeTexturingApplyToning = false,
LocalParameters = {
KeystoningBlendingIntensity = 100,
LightingMode = “V3Custom”,
FramingExtraRotation = “0”,
LocalParametersActive = false,
NoiseChrominanceAuto = true,
WhiteBalanceRawActive = true,
VignettedBlurTransition = 50,
WatermarkTextBlendMode = “Normal”,
VignettingMidFieldIntensity = 0,
WatermarkTextRightMargin = 0,
CropRect = {
MicroContrastAuto = false,
EdgeTexturingActive = false,
WatermarkTextLeftMargin = 0,
WatermarkTextSize = 0.05,
WatermarkTextRotation = 0,
WatermarkTextFont = “ArialMT”,
GrainIntensity = 100,
AnamorphosisType = “Spherical”,
KeystoningActive = false,
CropAuto = true,
WatermarkText = “”,
ChromaticAberrationPurpleActive = false,
KeystoningHorizon = 0,
HSLHueSlices = {
FadeOutStart = 15.623,
FadeOutEnd = 31.137,
FadeInStart = 325.07,
Saturation = 0,
Label = “Red”,
Luminance = 0,
Uniformity = 0,
FadeInEnd = 343.759,
Hue = 0,
FadeOutStart = 41.144,
FadeOutEnd = 50.114,
FadeInStart = 15.623,
Saturation = 0,
Label = “Orange”,
Luminance = 0,
Uniformity = 0,
FadeInEnd = 31.137,
Hue = 0,
FadeOutStart = 54.533,
FadeOutEnd = 63.109,
FadeInStart = 41.144,
Saturation = 0,
Label = “Yellow”,
Luminance = 0,
Uniformity = 0,
FadeInEnd = 50.114,
Hue = 0,
FadeOutStart = 145.702,
FadeOutEnd = 171.415,
FadeInStart = 54.533,
Saturation = 0,
Label = “Green”,
Luminance = 0,
Uniformity = 0,
FadeInEnd = 63.109,
Hue = 0,
FadeOutStart = 201.099,
FadeOutEnd = 216.152,
FadeInStart = 145.702,
Saturation = 0,
Label = “Cyan”,
Luminance = 0,
Uniformity = 0,
FadeInEnd = 171.415,
Hue = 0,
FadeOutStart = 246.546,
FadeOutEnd = 264.986,
FadeInStart = 201.099,
Saturation = 0,
Label = “Blue”,
Luminance = 0,
Uniformity = 0,
FadeInEnd = 216.152,
Hue = 0,
FadeOutStart = 275.526,
FadeOutEnd = 294.798,
FadeInStart = 246.546,
Saturation = 0,
Label = “Purple”,
Luminance = 0,
Uniformity = 0,
FadeInEnd = 264.986,
Hue = 0,
FadeOutStart = 325.07,
FadeOutEnd = 343.759,
FadeInStart = 275.526,
Saturation = 0,
Label = “Magenta”,
Luminance = 0,
Uniformity = 0,
FadeInEnd = 294.798,
Hue = 0,
WatermarkImageBlendMode = “Normal”,
WatermarkImageRightMargin = 0,
NoiseDeadPixelIntensity = 0,
ColorLookupColorSpace = “sRGB”,
TiltShiftActive = false,
KeystoningAutoMode = “Full”,
WatermarkImageRotation = 0,
ColorRenderingIntent = 25,
UnsharpMaskThreshold = 4,
ExposureAutoMode = “Manual”,
UnsharpMaskIntensityOffset = 0,
WatermarkImageOpacity = 1,
WatermarkImagePath = “”,
LowlightToningCustomSaturation = 50,
TiltShiftBlurShapeID = “Circular_medium”,
GridWarpingActive = false,
LightingV3BlackPoint = 0,
LightingV3RegionPriorityMode = “None”,
NoiseActive = true,
AnamorphosisRadial = 150,
AnamorphosisActive = false,
NoiseDeadPixelAuto = true,
WatermarkTextBottomMargin = 0,
LowlightToningStyle = “Gold”,
VignettingIntensityAuto = true,
ChromaticAberrationIntensity = 100,
OutputRenderingIntent = “Perceptual”,
KeystoningKeepOriginalSize = false,
VignettingTypeAuto = true,
GrainSize = 1,
VignettingActive = true,
ColorModeFilter = “CoolTone”,
NoiseRemovalMethod = “DeepRaw2RGBv2”,
FramingSeed = 0,
WatermarkImagePosition = “BottomRight”,
UnsharpMaskRadius = 0.5,
ToneCurveBluePoints = {
ColorRenderingDCPProfile = “”,
UnsharpMaskIntensity = 100,
ToneCurveRedGamma = 1,
LightingActive = true,
CropRatio = 0,
NoiseChrominance = 100,
ColorRenderingICCProfile = “”,
DistortionFocus = 128,
ArtisticVignettingCornerAttenuation = 0,
VignettedBlurRadius = 0,
ChannelMixerRed = 0,
LightingV3Shadows = 10,
ArtisticVignettingMidFieldAttenuation = 50,
NoiseCrossTalkAuto = true,
HighlightToningCustomSaturation = 50,
HighlightToningStyle = “Sepia”,
TextureID = “grain4b”,
KeystoningHorizonAuto = true,
HighlightToningDisableDesaturation = true,
TexturingSeed = 0,
LowlightToningIntensity = 100,
LowlightToningCustomHue = 0,
WatermarkActive = false,
VignettingClipping = 50,
ColorModeStyleIntensity = 100,
WatermarkTextTopMargin = 0,
HighlighsLowlightsSeparation = 0.5,
KeystoningHorizonActive = false,
ChromaticAberrationActive = true,
DistortionTypeAuto = true,
TexturingApplyToning = false,
OutputICCProfile = “sRGB”,
GrainActive = false,
ToningActive = false,
HazeRemovalActive = true,
ToneCurveBlueGamma = 1,
ChannelMixerGreen = 0,
DistortionKeepRatio = false,
ToneCurveGreenPoints = {
ToneCurveRedPoints = {
InpaintingActive = false,
ContrastEnhancementMidlightIntensity = 0,
ChannelMixerBlue = 0,
TiltShiftGradient1 = {
NoCorrectionPoint = {
FullCorrectionPoint = {
BlurRadius = 40,
RedEyeCorrectionActive = false,
VignettedBlurBlendFactor = 100,
NoiseCrossTalkIntensity = 30,
LightingV3MidTones = 18,
BlurActive = true,
ToneCurveActive = false,
DistortionActive = true,
OPTiltShiftShouldSynchronizeLines = true,
NoiseRemoveMoireActive = false,
GridWarpingGrids = {
OutputGrid = {
InputGrid = {
PointsPerColumn = 0,
PointsPerRow = 0,
ColorPipeline = “WideGamut”,
CropActive = true,
VignettedBlurActive = false,
ChannelMixerMagenta = 0,
ToneCurveMasterPoints = {
BlurDetails = 50,
LightingV2LocalContrastAmount = 0,
ColorIntentAutoActive = true,
ColorRenderingIntensity = 100,
TexturingOpacity = 0.5,
ChannelMixerCyan = 0,
ChromaticAberrationSize = 4,
LightingV3Intensity = 15.3526974,
NoiseLuminanceAuto = true,
TexturingActive = false,
SoftProofingPaperAndInk = false,
OutputICCProfilePath = “”,
ContrastEnhancementGlobalIntensity = 0,
SoftProofingActive = false,
LightingV3WhitePoint = 0,
NoiseLuminance = 100,
AnamorphosisVertical = 0,
HighlightToningIntensity = 100,
KeystoningMode = “Auto”,
LightingV3Highlights = -14.5605373,
SelectiveTonalControlActive = true,
InpaintingMask = {
ToneCurveMasterGamma = 1,
ColorFilterActive = false,
BlurIntensity = 1,
RedEyeRegions = {
RedEyeLocateMode = “DetectedEyes”,
VignettingIntensity = 100,
LowlightToningDisableDesaturation = true,
FramingActive = false,
KeystoningHVRatio = 0,
HSLHueSlicesColorPipeline = “WideGamut”,
ColorRenderingActive = true,
DistortionType = “Auto”,
KeystoningLeftRight = 0,
WhiteBalanceRawTemperature = 5400,
DehazingValue = 9.727627,
VignettingType = “Auto”,
ColorModeContrast = 9.704641,
KeystoningKeepCenter = true,
ChromaticAberrationSizeAuto = false,
AnamorphosisHorizontal = 100,
NoiseLuminanceContrastAuto = true,
ExposureBias = 0,
ArtisticVignettingActive = false,
OPTiltShiftShouldSynchronizeIntensities = true,
WatermarkImageScale = 0.15,
ChannelMixerActive = false,
ChannelMixerYellow = 0,
VignettedBlurCenterPoint = {
ColorLookupPath = “”,
VibrancyIntensity = 5,
ColorModeFilterIntensity = 100,
BlurSmoothTransitions = 50,
HSLActive = true,
HSLMaster = {
Hue = 0,
Saturation = 5,
ToningMode = “single”,
HistogramActive = false,
FramingScaleFactor = 0.25,
NoiseDetailsPreservation = 0,
GrainFilmFormat = “24x36”,
ArtisticVignettingCenterPoint = {
GrainSizeAuto = false,
VignettedBlurVignetteSize = 100,
FramingOutside = false,
GrainType = “Original”,
WhiteBalanceRawPreset = “AsShot”,
FrameID = “1”,
KeystoningPoints = {
EdgeTexturingOpacity = 0.5,
BlurActiveAuto = true,
TiltShiftGradient2 = {
NoCorrectionPoint = {
FullCorrectionPoint = {
BlurRadius = 40,
HLRActive = true,
ColorModeStyle = “Sepia”,
ArtisticVignettingTransition = 0,
DistortionIntensity = 1,
UnsharpMaskActive = true,
ArtisticVignettingRoundness = 50,
VignettedBlurMode = “Vignetting”,
NoiseRemoveMoireAuto = true,
ExposureActive = true,
Overrides = {
Version = “18.1”,
Version = “11.0”,

Hope this helps.

Based on the preset, it is set to True.

Are you on Windows or Mac?
When I create a preset with your data it is deleted from the preset list.

Windows PC

@chris002 similarly to @Franky I copied the text provided and created a preset which failed to import into PL7.4.0 on Win10?

I copied and pasted to another file and compared to the preset and the comparison was fine, i.e. I had copied it correctly!

So I copied the preset to the PL7 presets and opened PL7 and the preset has not been accepted by PL7 as a “valid” preset for some reason!?

It works as expected for PL7.4/Win11.
The selective tones on a test photo were set to -15/18/10/0, some Fuji rendering, etc.

BTW, I had to fix the quotation marks to make the preset acceptable to PL.
Probably forum software converted them into UTF-8 opening/closing quotation signs.

Weird, I am totally confused, not hard in my case. Also on 7.40 on Win 10 @BHAYT

@Wlodek Can you point me in direction as to where the quotations marks should be?

Maybe it’s a Windows 10 issue?

Probably quotation marks were converted by forum “AI”. They should be ok in your file, if it was generated by DPL. You may try to apply the preset and then look into the most recent DPL logs in your Documents\DxO PhotoLab 7 logs directory. Maybe you will find some clue there.

Edit: Just tried to save your corrections as a new preset, reset the settings for the photo and load the new copy. Looks OK here.

Quotation marks are used in the preset file to specify string values, like “FujiXT3”.
And yes, the forum software changes the quotation marks for your convenience :wink:

@Wlodek In general there appeared to be no problem with quotation marks in the text used to create the preset (I believe), i.e. most (possibly all) were present? So exactly what did you do to make the preset work/be acceptable.

Chris002.preset (9.0 KB)

I am concerned about the import function on PL7.4 (but that might be me!?) and that warrants more testing.

@chris002 The best way of sharing presets is to upload directly

(P) ST.preset (265 Bytes)

or via a zip file

ST - Selective (1.7 KB)

The above are ‘Partial’ presets, they are additive to the edits already applied to an image, which can be modified in a text editor and saved.

In my case saved to a copy directory on my F: drive and then either imported (to test immediately, if import works) or using Beyond Compare to bring the DxPL presets in line with my local backup copy.

Just copying a preset to the required DxO directory is fine but will only take effect after a restart of DxPL (hence the importance of a working preset import function).

PS:- Do not play with the WhitePoint it cause errors to flash up!

Open the “bad” preset file in notepad or paste the text copied from the forum.
Mark the opening quotation mark in some string, e.g. FujiXT3 in line #6 of Chris002.preset,
Ctrl-C, Ctrl-H, Ctrl-V, Tab, enter the standard ANSI quotation mark ",
perhaps cleaning the ‘Replace’ field before, press ‘Replace All’ button, Esc.
Repeat with the FujiXT3 closing quotation mark.
Choose File → Save or SaveAs, if it was a new file with text pasted from the forum,
but take care, that the resulting file has the ‘.preset’ extension – notepad might
add ‘.txt’ extension which has to be removed.

Copy the preset file to your home AppData\Local\DxO\DxO PhotoLab 7\Presets directory (for PL7 version). To make this directory viewable, enable ‘Show hidden files, folders and drives’ option in the File Explorer ‘Options’->View settings. If you have no technical background, better disable this option after copying the file. Next, in DPL Customize, open the PRESET EDITOR, click on the ‘Import’ icon and choose your file.
The new preset should now be seen in ‘Apply preset’, no PL restart required.

Attached is the initial preset file with quotation marks corrected.
13 - TestXT3.preset (9.0 KB)

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@BHAYT @Wlodek @Joanna @Franky Many thanks to all, now up and running and preset is working fine.

The only other question was what automations do you all set prior to final tweaks after import?

The key for me is to not spend too much time developing, realise I could shoot jpeg, but I do not get the feel I like.

Thanks again.

Apart from the four optical corrections and DeepPRIME, nothing. If I need a series with the same settings, I work on one and then copy to the others.

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