ANALOG EFEX PRO - Cannot save work in Photolab 2

Discussions, questions, comments and suggestions regarding Analog Efex Pro from the Nik Collection.

I could not save my work the first time as it does not appear in Photolab film strip. I have to redo all my adjustments the second or third time before it could be saved successfully. Please advise. Thanks. Paul

Hi Paul,

Could you please provide a bit more info on what you were trying to do (that is, your expectations) - and the steps you took in your attempt to do so.

Regards, John M

PS. Since you’re using AEP you might be interested in this video.

I have difficulties saving the tiff file after editing in AEP. It sometimes just doesn’t save. When i click on the save button, nothing happens. I also could not find the saved file in the photo folder. Thanks.

For me hitting save (bottom right) just overwrites the tiff with the changes made. The same in any of the nik collection plugs. Plug also quits after that. Otherwise you have to choose from the menu, save as (Apple+S), to get a copy with the changes made. You also get a choice to choose the destination than.
But both show a progress bar. Do you have this?

Talking about the stand alone version