Albi series

Snaps from a 2 day stay in Albi. The Cathedral is truly impressive. These are all postcard shots.


You seem to like HDR. I like them but there is something strange on the third one, on the bridges.
The old cities are really jewels to visit.


Yes, the bridge had scaffolding all over it. I used PS to remove it.
I was so disappointed when I arrived to find the scaffolding on the bridge, the last time the cathedral had scaffolding!

How do you create the HDR?


My camera has a setting for HDR. It takes 3 or 5 shots in sequence. I develop the images with Pureraw and then blend them.

You mean you take more shots with different exposure in RAW, develop them in Pureraw, export as an RGB image and then blend them? How do you blend them?


I sometimes blend them in PS, sometimes in SNS-HDR